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Intellectual Property Valuations

Elements of the Valuation Analysis (Part II of V) This second article of the five-part series on Intellectual Property Valuations summarizes the typical elements of the intellectual property valuation analysis. This part of the discussion focuses on benchmarking and the use of research databases. [su_pullquote align="right"]Resources:Intellectual Property Valuations: The Relief from Royalty Method (Part I o ...

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Business Valuations

for SBA Lending Programs Despite the pandemic, the number of small businesses started continues to increase. This article discusses the various Small Business Administration (SBA) programs and the value of serving these lenders. “Success is a full-time job.” Grant Cardone Any entrepreneur or a small business owner would agree that running a successful small business is a full-time job. To run it well requir ...

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64 Ways to Increase and Enhance

the Value of a Business Buyers look at earnings as a primary driver of value. There are many other factors such as strategic value, competitive position, branding, secret processes, and cost to duplicate. There are also many other factors, some not so evident or obvious, some intangible and some in the “good feelings” attitude about the business or its prospects. At the end of the day, it is sometimes hard ...

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What Drives Business Value?

SPARC the Analysis and Shine Have you ever asked your clients what drives the value of their businesses? If they feel comfortable that they know what drives their business’ value, have you ever asked them why it does? In this article, first of a two part series, Sarah von Helfenstein shares her thoughts on the kinds of things that we, as business analysts and appraisers, should consider when assessing busin ...

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