Connect with NACVA Members via Social Media Reviewed by Momizat on . LinkedIn Features Booming CVA/AVA Activity Have you visited LinkedIn lately?  The NACVA AVA/CVA Certification group as of this writing has 935 members.  Follow LinkedIn Features Booming CVA/AVA Activity Have you visited LinkedIn lately?  The NACVA AVA/CVA Certification group as of this writing has 935 members.  Follow Rating:
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Connect with NACVA Members via Social Media

LinkedIn Features Booming CVA/AVA Activity

Have you visited LinkedIn lately?  The NACVA AVA/CVA Certification group as of this writing has 935 members.  Follow the link and join in the conversation!

This year is NACVA’s 20th Anniversary.  What milestones do you remember being a part of?   QuickRead’s Conversations with the Masters staff is preparing for an interview with Shannon Pratt.  Do you have questions you suggest we pose him?  Other LinkedIn conversations have ranged far and wide, with Association folks sharing information and offering tips on everything from how best to use the ValuSource Report Writer, the proper applicability of Benford’s Law, and the sort of Exit Planning strategies that might best be suggested to clients in certain unique situations.

. . . and 16 Individual LinkedIn State Chapter Groups!

That’s not all you’ll find on LinkedIn. There’s a NACVA State Chapters group, and subgroups for NACVA Maryland,   NACVA Texas,  NACVA Pennsylvania, NACVA Ohio,  NACVA New York,  NACVA New Jersey, NACVA Florida, NACVA California,  NACVA Virginia, NACVA Colorado, NACVA Illinois, NACVA Wisconsin,  NACVA Georgia, NACVA Minnesota, NACVA Massachusetts, and NACVA Mississippi.   State Chapters groups include benefits of membership that typically include:

  • Daily or weekly email digests
  • Updates about the latest activity in the group
  • Conversation and networking with like-minded professionals

Financial Forensics Group Hits Facebook

There’s a NACVA LinkedIn group devoted to Financial Forensics specialists. And the Forensic Accounting Academy has helped pioneer NACVA’s presence on FaceBook.

Complete Conversations with the Masters Library on YouTube

Find our complete collection of QuickRead Conversations with the Masters series on YouTube.  Over the past year or so, NACVA has taped interviews with more than a dozen of the most interesting industry personalities on some of the most important consulting topics.  Follow the links to see if you’ve missed any episodes.  And watch for more video from us soon!

QuickRead’s Conversations with the Masters video series focuses on industry pioneers in business valuation and financial forensics.  These experts are often known to us primarily for the presentations they give, the organizations and task forces they drive, and the articles, books, and resources they’ve developed.

Conversations with the Masters offers a different focus, one you might not get in highly-polished keynotes and industry best-sellers.  In Conversations with Masters, you’ll  hear unique insight on the professional challenges valuation analysts face today, unvarnished perspective on theory and practice management, and pointers on where some of today’s greatest professional opportunities lie.  Click on each name to see each associated video:

Mel H. Abraham

CPA, CVA, ABV, ASA, CSP, Mel Abraham Strategic Consulting

Darrell Dorrell

CPA/ABV, MBA, CVA, ASA, CMA, DABFA, Principal, Financial Forensics

Bob Grossman

CPA/ABV, ASA, CVA, CBA, Partner, Grossman Yanak & Ford LLP

Tom Hilton

MSF, CPA/ABV/CFF, ASA, CVA, Partner and Director, Forensic and Valuation Services, Anders, Minkler, & Diehl

Jim Hitchner

CPA/ABV/CFF, ASA, Managing Director of Financial Valuation Advisors and

Michael Mard

CPA/ABV, ASA, CFA, CFE, Principal of The Financial Valuation Group of Florida

Michael Kaplan

CPA CVA CFFA, Kaplan, Abraham, Burkert & Associates

Z. Christopher Mercer

ASA, CFA, ABAR, CEO, Board of Directors, Mercer Capital

Robert Reilly

CPA/ABV, ASA, CBA, CFA, CMA, MBA, Managing Director of Willamette Management Associates

Robert C. Schlegel

ASA, MCBA, Principal, Houlihan Valuation Advisors

Warren Miller

CFA, CPA, ASA, Warren Miller

The National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA) supports the users of business and intangible asset valuation services and financial forensic services, including damages determinations of all kinds and fraud detection and prevention, by training and certifying financial professionals in these disciplines.

Number of Entries : 2597

©2024 NACVA and the Consultants' Training Institute • Toll-Free (800) 677-2009 • 1218 East 7800 South, Suite 301, Sandy, UT 84094 USA

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