Fight the Nine Symptoms of Corporate Decline —Harvard Business Review Network Blog
Watch Out for Decreases in Communication, Respect, and Aspiration; Increases in Isolation, Negativity, Rifts. Good News? It Can Be Cured.
Rosabeth Moss Kantor asks on the Harvard Business Review Blog Network: How do you know a team, company, or country is on the slippery slope of decline and needs a culture shift? She writes that she found nine universal warning signs of change-in-the-wrong direction in research for my book Confidence, which compared downward spirals with the momentum of success. Watching out for these behaviors is the first step toward building better habits:
- Communication decreases.
- Criticism and blame increase.
- Respect decreases.
- Isolation increases.
- Focus turns inward.
- Rifts widen and inequities grow.
- Aspirations diminish.
- Initiative decreases.
- Negativity spreads.
The good news is that all these symptoms are reversible:
It’s easy to get discouraged by the doom and gloom of downward spirals, as I’ve seen in declining companies, low-performing inner city schools, marriages falling apart, developing countries with wide social divides, and problems with U.S. competitiveness. But I’ve also worked on the opposite: turnarounds that create habits that fuel success. I’ve observed and helped leaders who care about positive relationships set the stage for positive outcomes. Here’s what leaders — official or emergent — do to shift a culture from the behaviors of decline to the habits of success:
- Keep communication open and information flowing.
- Emphasize personal responsibility.
- Model respect for talent and achievements at every level.
- Convene conversations across groups.
- Stress common purpose.
- Work on reducing inequities and status differences.
- Raise aspirations.
- Reward initiative.
- Reinforce the positive by saying and demonstrating that change is possible.
Read the full piece here for more explanation of each symptom — and insight on how to repair and restore a corporate culture in crisis.
Corporate Decline is Reversible, Rosabeth Moss Kantor writes on the HBR Blog Network