Get Your Cash Faster: 7 Shrewd Tips —
Cash Flow is the Most Important Financial Item for a Small Business Owners to Pay Attention To. Here’s How to Speed it Up. Â
Cash flow–how cash flows through your organization from sale to invoice to receipt–is the lifeblood of a small company, writes Eric V. Holtzclaw at Â And speeding up your cash flow allows you to do more and gives your company more stability. Â Here are seven tips: Â
1. Offer a discount for early payment.
2. Use online payment systems.
3. Require an upfront fee.
4. Delay the work.
5. Take credit cards.
6. Invoice for lower sums, but more often.
7. Talk with your customers about accounts payable.
 Find out more detail about how to put these tips into practice here.Â
Strong Cash Flow is a Wonderful Thing
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