Tax Services Now Fastest-Growing Niche Service Ahead of Business Valuation —Accounting Today Reviewed by Momizat on . Top 100 Firms in 2012 Also See Big Jump in Demand for Attest Services, Cash-Flow Forecasting and Management Accounting Today reports in its latest iteration of Top 100 Firms in 2012 Also See Big Jump in Demand for Attest Services, Cash-Flow Forecasting and Management Accounting Today reports in its latest iteration of Rating: 0
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Tax Services Now Fastest-Growing Niche Service Ahead of Business Valuation —Accounting Today

Top 100 Firms in 2012 Also See Big Jump in Demand for Attest Services, Cash-Flow Forecasting and Management

Accounting Today reports in its latest iteration of Top 100 Accounting Firms that the top two fastest-growing niches in accounting services are now international tax services and state and local tax services, edging out business valuation, last year’s fastest-growing niche.   Danielle Lee reports (free registration required): 


Tax services were a large source of growth for the 2012 Top 100 Firms, with both international and sate and local taxes making big gains to top the list of the fastest growing niche services areas. International tax services ranked first, making one of the biggest leaps, of nearly 11 percentage points and five spots from last year, with 77 percent of firms reporting growth.

State and local taxes were close behind, with 75 percent of firms reporting an increase, catapulting the niche up six spots this year to second on the list.

Business valuation, though overtakes from 2011’s top spot, remained steady and down only one percentage pint, with 74 percent of firms tracking expansion. Attest services made a big climb of nine percentage points to 2012’s No. 4 spot, but with 15 percent more firms reporting growth than in 2011, this year’s biggest climber was cash-flow forecasting and management—up eight spots to 43 percent. 

Read the whole piece.


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Accounting Today Reports that Top 100 Firms Count International and State/Local Tax Services as Fastest-Growing Niches


see also:

BV Surrenders Top Spot for Fastest Growing Niche Services, But Not By Much     —BV Wire (3/20/2013) 

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