How to Build Your BVFLS Authority Reviewed by Momizat on . with “Pinkcast” Daniel H. Pink is author of six provocative works about business and human behavior. His website contains videos and newsletters. In this articl with “Pinkcast” Daniel H. Pink is author of six provocative works about business and human behavior. His website contains videos and newsletters. In this articl Rating: 0
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How to Build Your BVFLS Authority

with “Pinkcast”

Daniel H. Pink is author of six provocative works about business and human behavior. His website contains videos and newsletters. In this article, Rod Burkert describes how Pinkcast changed the way he marketed, and provides six reasons why BVFLS professionals may want to consider Pinkcast as a resource.

Do you struggle putting pen to paper … figuring out what to say in a 300–900-word dispatch on a client-centric blog or newsletter … or having no time to work a regular written publication into your schedule? If you have a smartphone and 120 seconds, I have a solution.

Before continuing, I want to let you know that watching Pinkcasts was the absolute catalyst for me trying my hand at video and the motivation for now using video regularly in my newsletter/blog content.

In the summer of 2017, I was asked to be a beta tester for Pinkcasts … a series of short, low-fidelity, weekly videos that offer insights, advice, and tips for working smarter and living better. While I wanted in for the message, it is ultimately the method that’s causing me to write to this article.

The Pink in Pinkcast is Daniel Pink, past aide to Labor Secretary Robert Reich, former chief speechwriter for Vice President Al Gore, and a New York Times best-selling author of six books that focus on the changing workplace. His articles on business and technology have appeared in The New York Times, Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, and Wired. By all accounts, Pink is a pretty savvy and accomplished guy.

So far, three seasons covering 70-some episodes of Pinkcast have been released, all of which are in keeping with his quick tips/actionable advice theme. The shortest one is 78 seconds, the longest 262 seconds … most episodes fall in the 100–120 second bucket.

Fast forward to today, and I still cannot help but feel that Pink’s video concept would work well in our BVFLS marketing efforts to build authority in our respective practice areas or industry niches.

Here are six reasons why:

  1. Since we talk at an average speed of 110–150 words per minute, we only need to come up with a short, on-point message to fill a 120 second timeframe; much less than the time and effort to create a typical blog post or newsletter.
  2. You can let your audience create the content for you by giving them a means (like e-mail) to ask you questions that you can respond to in 120 seconds or less.
  3. You can batch record several/many videos at a time and schedule their release dates … though I might suggest some wardrobe changes between shoots!
  4. The videos could be embedded in an e-mail to your audience or you could create your own channel on YouTube that your audience visits. Either way, video is now, by far, the most popular form of online content, and YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine.
  5. Pinkcasts are incredibly personal. And I am hard-pressed to think of many other people in our industry who are actively using video to build their practices. This makes it easier for you to get noticed.
  6. People do business with people they know, like, and trust. Since we can’t possibly meet with all potential leads and prospects, video is the next best thing to being there to build those bonds.

What do you think? Would work for your practice?

I help BVFLS practitioners focus on the art and science of practice development in order to break through their time and income barriers so they can build authority, land clients, and improve profitability. If you have hit those barriers and are looking for help to grow faster and more effectively, e-mail me at

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