Fairness Opinions: Evaluating a Buyer’s Shares from the Seller’s Perspective Reviewed by Momizat on . M&A activity has accelerated substantially in 2014 following the financial crisis.  When an acquisition proposal is being weighed, there needs to be a thoro M&A activity has accelerated substantially in 2014 following the financial crisis.  When an acquisition proposal is being weighed, there needs to be a thoro Rating: 0
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Fairness Opinions: Evaluating a Buyer’s Shares from the Seller’s Perspective

Salvatore Vuono_puzzle

M&A activity has accelerated substantially in 2014 following the financial crisis.  When an acquisition proposal is being weighed, there needs to be a thorough vetting of the buyer’s shares.  A fairness opinion evaluates the investment merits of the shares before and after a transaction is consummated says Jeff K. Davis, CFA with Mercer Capital.  This article discusses the key questions you need to ask about the buyer’s shares.

This article is republished from Mercer Capital’s Financial Reporting Blog. It is reprinted with permission. To subscribe to the blog, visit http://mercercapital.com/category/financialreportingblog/.

Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono/FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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