An Update on Affordable Care Act Busy Season Developments Reviewed by Momizat on . Two provisions of the affordable care act—the premium tax credit and the individual shared-responsibility payment (the individual mandate)—are complex and makin Two provisions of the affordable care act—the premium tax credit and the individual shared-responsibility payment (the individual mandate)—are complex and makin Rating: 0
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An Update on Affordable Care Act Busy Season Developments

dream designs_medicalsymbolTwo provisions of the affordable care act—the premium tax credit and the individual shared-responsibility payment (the individual mandate)—are complex and making it extra challenging for both taxpayers and preparers filing individual tax returns for 2014.  Early on this tax season, the IRS discovered some errors, complications, and adversities for some individuals and provided relief says Annette Nellen, tax professor and director of the MST Program at San José State University. In her article, she summarizes the health care act guidance and relief issued in early 2015 and notes health care updates relevant for 2015 and beyond.

Image courtesy of dream-designs/

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