Make Your Company a Diversity Magnet Reviewed by Momizat on . In 2014, a study by Chicago United documented a lack of diversity in leadership roles within American companies noting that more than 75 percent of executives a In 2014, a study by Chicago United documented a lack of diversity in leadership roles within American companies noting that more than 75 percent of executives a Rating: 0
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Make Your Company a Diversity Magnet

iStock_000039748264Medium1-881x576In 2014, a study by Chicago United documented a lack of diversity in leadership roles within American companies noting that more than 75 percent of executives are white.  This fact should be of concern to big businesses because diversity in leadership roles has real benefits including better customer relationships, increased employee creativity, and improved quality of work.  In this article, by Peter Gomez and Susan Medina for Talent Management Magazine, they discuss six ways companies can attract more diverse employees.

Read how to diversify your company at Diversity Executive online.

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