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Improve Your Meetings: The Attendee List

Getting rid of meetings is the false solution, since they are forums for organizational democracy, knowledge sharing, decision-making, and communication. Thus, recent business books and scientific studies have focused on improving meetings and increasing meeting ROI through evidence-based practices. To read the full article in Financial Management, click: Improve Your Meetings: The Attendee List. ...

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Is it Time to Ban Meetings?

Unproductive meetings are unpopular with workers and costly for businesses.  Experts advise companies to treat meetings as a last resort and to focus on making the meetings they do have more efficient. To read the full article in InTheBlack, click: Is it Time to Ban Meetings? ...

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7 Ways to Stop a Meeting from Dragging On

How to Keep a Meeting on Track Too often, people sit silently as meetings meander off course and drag on far beyond the scheduled time.  Joseph Grenny provides seven ways attendees can get meetings back on track, such as restating problems and making sure everyone understands their responsibilities. To read the full article in the Harvard Business Review, click: 7 Ways to Stop a Meeting from Dragging On. ...

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