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Lessons Learned

Memoirs of a CPA on Getting Started in the Valuation and Forensics Fields Edward Mendlowitz considers himself the last of the “expert generalists”. He published Memoirs of a CPA wherein he relates his story and the lessons learned. Over the years, the author has witnessed the trend towards specialization and proliferation of professional credentials. Mr. Mendlowitz started moonlighting almost immediately af ...

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The Well-Written Business Valuation Report

Structured, Clear, and Well-Researched and Reasoned In a litigation setting, a well-written business valuation report can position your conclusion of value as credible. When completed for tax purposes, a well-written business valuation report can help avoid an IRS challenge. In any circumstances, a well-written business valuation report can provide the business owner with ways to increase cash flow and redu ...

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The Appraisal Process: An Outline for Making Awards Useful and Final

Guidelines for Resolving Disputes in First Party Property Insurance Claims (Part I of III) Appraisal is a frequently used and often maligned method to adjudicate disputes in the property insurance world. Typically, appraisal is used for the purposes of evaluation only and will not bring finality to a claim in which coverage, or, in certain jurisdictions, causation is also being disputed. Although the percei ...

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Adding Compensation Consulting to Your Practice

Diversify the Revenue Sources Valuation consultants usually have training and experience with the process of normalizing owner compensation. They may also have access to compensation comparability data, which is a collection of actual amounts paid by other employers which can be sorted. Therefore, valuation specialists may already have what they need to begin adding compensation consulting services to their ...

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An Unimpeachable Treatise

Apropos Restrictions of Data, Time, and Financial Resources When uncertainty rises to a level—where facts appear to be indistinguishable from fiction—business valuation, forensic accounting, and litigation support must prioritize the virtues of unimpeachable neutrality, integrity, and objectivity. These three virtues provide a means of best assisting the trier of fact in distinguishing that which is mislead ...

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Operating in the Post-Coronavirus Period

What Do We Do Moving Forward in Time? The coronavirus and the events unleashed by the outbreak were unforeseeable to professionals preparing reports as of the end of 2019. What do we, as valuation and litigation support professionals, do moving forward in time when we are engaged to value a business? Here, the author, Ron Rudich, answers these questions. Gary R. Trugman wrote in his tome, Understanding Busi ...

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Litigious Attitude Couple With Major Blunders Leads to Big Loss

Lessons on Ill-Conceived Strategies that Companies Should Avoid Doing in Business and in Litigation Being aggressive in business and in litigation is considered an advantage. But, as illustrated in a recent 7th Circuit case, it is possible to be overly aggressive. When this is coupled with some serious mistakes in business and in litigation, it can be disastrous. The cases, 4SEMO.COM Incorporated v. Souther ...

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Copyright Litigants Entitled to “Full” Costs, Not “Extra” Costs

On March 4, 2019, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the Ninth Circuit’s expanded view of "full costs" in copyright cases was improper, going beyond the "costs" typically available to litigants in federal court. Rimini Street, Inc. et al., v. Oracle USA, Inc., et al., No. 17-1625, slip op. (U.S. Mar. 4, 2019.) This ruling overturns a $12.8 million award granted to Oracle USA Inc. for its "nontaxable costs," w ...

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The Pink Elephant in the Courtroom

Un-Impeaching Opinions of Calculated Values Valuation or calculation? That is the question asked, answered, and argued by judges, experts, lawyers, and industry thought leaders apropos to whether a calculation of value can be used in litigation. The answer echoed throughout courtrooms across America thus far is a resounding “it depends.” This article offers a synopsis of the debate over calculation engageme ...

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Why All Values Are Not Created Equal

Understanding Terms and Bridging a Potential Valuation Gap It is not uncommon for litigation to stem from disagreements over the value of privately held companies and ownership interests in those entities. In those situations, many different values are often discussed as the parties attempt to reach a resolution. It is important to make sure that the parties are speaking the same language as far as the type ...

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Business Interruption

A Unique Assessment of Commercial Damages Business interruption is a form of commercial damages that may include both breach of contract and torts. While it is not common for financial experts to be hired in business interruption situations, some claims require their expertise. Unlike a traditional lost profit analysis, business interruption calculations are unique. Any expert asked to make such an analysis ...

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Preventing Case Over Valuation

Why Attorneys Tend to Overvalue Their Cases and What to Do! Research indicates that most lawyers over value their cases, and what is even more fascinating, it does not matter how long the attorney has been in practice! There are a number of reasons over valuation occurs; sometimes the answer is just that the attorney did not spend enough time reviewing the case, or failed to consider getting a second opinio ...

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Business Valuation and Reporting in Matrimonial Disputes

Adherence to Development and Reporting Standards in Family Law Litigation Family law practitioners deal with a host of complexities when resolving matrimonial disputes.  In high net worth cases, financial considerations soon become paramount.  Often the largest financial asset on the marital balance sheet is an interest in a closely held business controlled and operated by the family or single spouse.  In t ...

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Foreseeability Standard in Lost Profits Litigation

The Objective and Subjective Tests Used to Determine Foreseeability To recover lost profits in a commercial damages case, three standards must be met. They are proximate cause, foreseeability, and reasonable certainty. Of these three, foreseeability is the lost profits standard in which a financial expert will have the least involvement. But this does not mean the expert’s work would not benefit the trier-o ...

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What is Forensic Accounting and How is it Used in Litigation Cases?

The rudimentary definition of forensic accounting is the application of accounting procedures or practices to a matter that may be litigated.  Forensic accounting involves the use of intelligence gathering techniques and accounting/business skills to analyze past financial data.  Brittni Langel, CFE for McGovern & Greene LLP, discusses how litigation teams will determine if there is a need to use this i ...

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Managing Professional Liability Litigation Against Accounting Firms

Part III of III This is Part III of a three-part series discussing the basic components of a professional liability lawsuit brought against an accounting firm and its partners, and factors a firm’s managing partner should consider before and during this type of litigation for utilizing applicable insurance coverage, maximizing effectiveness of defense, and, where possible, bringing the controversy to conclu ...

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Managing Professional Liability Litigation Against Accounting Firms

Part II of III This is Part II of a three-part series discussing the basic components of a professional liability lawsuit brought against an accounting firm and its partners and the factors a firm’s managing partner should take into consideration before and during this type of litigation for utilizing applicable insurance coverage, maximizing effectiveness of defense and, where possible, bringing the contro ...

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Managing Professional Liability Litigation Against Accounting Firms

Part I of III This is Part I of a three-part series discussing the basic components of a professional liability lawsuit brought against an accounting firm and its partners; and the factors a firm’s managing partner should consider before and during this type of litigation for utilizing applicable insurance coverage, maximizing effectiveness of defense and, where possible, bringing the controversy to conclus ...

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Including Causation in a Lost Profits Analysis

The Danger of Not Considering Other Potential Sources of Harm To recover lost profits in commercial damages litigation, three standards must be met: proximate cause, foreseeability, reasonable certainty. While all three are important, proximate cause does not always receive a great deal of consideration among experts. Although the question of causation is generally left to the trier-of-fact, financial exper ...

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