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How Bad Data Hurts Your Valuation

The Principles of Conservatism in Action Most business owners understand the industry in which they operate and tend to be good at running the day-to-day operations. Yet, that does not mean they have made optimal decisions or that they have the necessary controls and financials in place that enable them to make sound financial decisions. Companies that do not keep high quality data will likely have a lower ...

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Valuations in Private Buy/Sell Transactions

Factors to Arrive at a Value that are Beyond the Three Approaches This article addresses valuations for buy/sell transactions with private buyers and private sellers. A business owner calls and says: I want to sell my business. Can you tell me what it’s worth? Thousands of these transactions are occurring daily. But before you go any further, stop and ask more questions. As business valuators, we are condit ...

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2022 M&A in Review

Indications for 2023 After a record year in 2021 transactional activity, where healthcare mergers and acquisitions (M&A) were up by 56 percent, the market continued to thrive in 2022. Preliminary results revealed that 2022 M&A deals hit a record high of 2,409 deals; 150 transactions over what was observed in 2021. Despite economic challenges (e.g., rising interest rates and borrowing costs, inflatio ...

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The Criticism of the Guideline Private Comparable Transaction Method

Tread Carefully Using this Market-Approach In valuation theory, the market-based approach, being one of the three main valuation approaches, can rely on the guideline private comparable transactions method, suggesting that the results obtained in that way should be treated equally with other valuation approaches and methods. However, the disadvantages of the guideline private comparable transactions method ...

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Key Insights into Valuing Companies in the Real Estate Sector

The Consistency of Data and Trends The real estate sector encompasses a variety of activities, limited only by the imagination, including: selling, leasing, management, development, appraisal, title services, and investment. When valuing businesses linked to the real estate market, whether directly or indirectly, it is essential to examine both the risk and the cash flow generating ability of each company. ...

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The Role of Forensic Accountants in Measuring and Detecting Fraud in Employee Loss Claims

With Examples From Asset Misappropriation to Financial Statement Fraud (Part II of II) This two-part article (Read Part I here) focuses on the two significant, but different, roles forensic accountants play in quantifying employee losses and how—in the normal course of the analysis—they may find instances of fraud that require further investigation. The authors first provide detailed guidance for forensic a ...

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The Role of Forensic Accountants in Measuring and Detecting Fraud in Employee Loss Claims

With Examples From Asset Misappropriation to Financial Statement Fraud (Part I of II) This two-part article focuses on the two significant, but different, roles forensic accountants play in quantifying employee losses and how—in the normal course of the analysis—they may find instances of fraud that require further investigation. The authors first provide detailed guidance for forensic accountants in how to ...

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Updates in the Exit Planning Market

Third Quarter 2022 2021 was a significant year for business owners who chose to exit via a sale of their privately held businesses. The government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic pumped billions of dollars into the economy, helping to drive a robust mergers and acquisitions market led by aging baby boomers preparing to retire and concerned about the prospect that the Biden administration was potentially ...

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What Changes to the Lease Accounting Standards Means

For Business Valuations Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) Topic 842: Leases is the lease accounting standard published by the Financial Accounting Standards Board, which replaces prior guidance from ASC Topic 840. ASC 842 brings previously off-balance sheet operating leases onto a company’s balance sheet. The new standard takes effect for private companies in fiscal years starting after December 15, 2 ...

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Three Common Ratios I Do Not Like

Alternative Means to Effectively Gauge Business Operations and Assist Owners Three ratios that are widely used have validity because they are either used in business valuations, loan covenants, reports to stockholders in Form 10-Ks, used when financial statement analyses are performed, or have familiarity because they have become entrenched in the system. The author of this article considers reliance on the ...

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Incorporating Country Risk Premium Differentials

Into the Market-Based Valuation (Part II of II) This is the second of the two-part article regarding country risk. In this second part, the author discusses how to incorporate the risk into multiples. Read Part I here. Incorporating Country Risk into Multiples Having found the value of the country risk premium required, we can proceed with incorporating it into the market-based valuation. It is worth mentio ...

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Incorporating Country Risk Premium Differentials

Into the Market-Based Valuation (Part I of II) This is a two-part article on how to incorporate country risk premium. The market-based approach to valuation is commonly used by market practitioners and is based on the relevant values and multiples from similar assets. One of the differentiators between assets is the country risk related to the operations, when the multiples are collected from various countr ...

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The Cash vs. Hybrid vs. Accrual Conundrum

What to Ask for and Use? Most small businesses use the cash basis of accounting. Despite that practice, prospective clients will prepare their books in a variety of different ways that do not conform with the accounting cash basis. There are hybrid and accrual cash basis and the business valuation practitioner needs to recognize the differences between these forms of accounting. In this article, the author ...

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How to Maximize Sale Value When Selling a Company

Key Actions to Undertake to Increase the Price of a Company This article provides a brief overview covering what the author—a middle market investment banker—believes is the most worthwhile and impactful actions that anyone contemplating the sale of their business can take right now to set themselves up for success in a future transaction process. The author recommends that prospective sellers and their adv ...

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The Ticking Clock

The Future of Main Street Business Succession In 2001, veteran investment banker, Peter Christman, first identified the need for a holistic approach to preparing owners of midmarket businesses for sale and/or exit. He set about writing a book to address this. At the time, the first Baby Boomer was 56 years of age. Those Baby Boomers are now not so young. In this article, the author shares his impression of ...

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Should the Market Approach be Excluded

When Guideline Companies are Not Very Good? When given a choice, do you prefer to minimize errors of commission or omission? The answer will likely influence your view as to whether the market approach should be used when valuing a company with guideline companies that are not very good. Someone who seeks to minimize errors of commission will likely exclude the market approach due to the difficulties in exe ...

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Case Study

Changing Assignments from Fairness Opinion to Business Valuation Commercial damages matters can be challenging and require a flexible mind when “wrapping your brain” around the issues and facts of a particular case. Beginning in the first quarter of 2019 and running through October 2020, I had an assignment which began with a simple fairness opinion letter and ended with my testifying at trial to defend my ...

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Book Review

The Art of Business Valuation: Accurately Valuing a Small Business This is a book review of The Art of Busines Valuation: Accurately Valuing a Small Business. This book is a guide and desk reference for valuing businesses under $10 million in revenues. The primary question answered in the book is: How do we as business valuators, business brokers, accountants, lawyers, owners, and other interested parties p ...

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Common Adjustments in the Due Diligence Process

Conducting Financial Due Diligence and Quality of Earnings Analysis Financial due diligence and quality of earnings reports provide a third-party analysis of a target company’s current financial position and historical financial performance. When evaluating a potential business acquisition, it is crucial to understand the nature and magnitude of the business’ cash flows. Whether from the perspective of the ...

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Valuation Treatment of the ESOP

Repurchase Obligation Liability There are certain valuation aspects that are unique to employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) sponsor company valuation engagements. The ESOP repurchase obligation is one of those aspects. There is a diversity of practice in the valuation profession as to how to treat the repurchase obligation for sponsor company valuations performed for ESOP administration purposes. There are ...

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