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How to Build a Passionate Company

5 Steps for Inspiring Passion in Your Employees Passion is the most important trait a company can have, but no class can teach leaders how to spark and sustain that quality in others, writes Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst.  What's needed are five conditions, including smart hiring practices, autonomy, and mission-driven leadership. To read the full article in the Harvard Business Review, click: How to Build a P ...

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Fight the Nine Symptoms of Corporate Decline —Harvard Business Review Network Blog

Watch Out for Decreases in Communication, Respect, and Aspiration; Increases in Isolation, Negativity, Rifts.  Good News?  It Can Be Cured. Rosabeth Moss Kantor asks on the Harvard Business Review Blog Network:  How do you know a team, company, or country is on the slippery slope of decline and needs a culture shift?  She writes that she found nine universal warning signs of change-in-the-wrong direction in ...

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