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Expert Testimonies in The Trade Group, Inc. v. BTC Media, LL

Challenges and Key Takeaways The recent case of The Trade Group, Inc. v. BTC Media, LLC highlights the impact that experts have on judicial outcomes. The litigation revolved around a financial dispute over the Bitcoin 2022 conference and allegations regarding overcharges and financial mismanagement. Through expert testimonies, the Court ultimately provided an opinion based on the crucial contributions of ex ...

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Challenges to Expert Witnesses Under New Rule of Evidence 702

Experts on Notice Federal Rule of Evidence 702 has undergone changes; these were made in 2000 and 2011. The recent amendments clarify the gatekeeping function of the trial court. A trial court is charged not with weighing the expert’s opinion; rather it is charged with determining if the testimony is admissible. This article discusses the recent changes to this rule and how this will impact proposed experts ...

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What the Tax Court Wants to See

In Your Expert Report This article includes tips for preparing an expert report but is not intended to be all inclusive. In addition to these points, remember to carefully consider professional standards, including those that are non-binding, and any code of ethics. Also prepare your report with the expectation of a Daubert motion or similar challenge to your qualifications and/or methodology. The Federal R ...

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Daedalus Blue, LLC v. MicroStrategy, Inc.

Court Admits Royalty Analysis on a Convoyed Sales Approach and Denies Motion to Exclude Patent Infringement Case This case arose from a patent infringement lawsuit filed by the Plaintiff, Daedalus Blue, LLC against the Defendant, MicroStrategy Incorporated. Daedalus alleged that MicroStrategy’s analytics software products infringed on two patents originally developed by IBM: the â€172 patent related to data ...

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Lawyers, Judges, and Experts

Their Changing Roles and Responsibilities The Frye and Daubert decisions shook the legal world and the standards enunciated also shook the valuation world. In this article, the author shares some recent Maryland developments and surmises that there may be more changes coming that will affect the role of lawyers, judges and experts. In my 30 years as a Judge on three different Maryland Trial Courts and the l ...

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Looking Back to Go Forward

A Review of the Basics for Lost Profits (Part I) Those who have worked in the forensic field for many years begin to take for granted how we approach and handle certain situations. We have a level of knowledge and experience that lets us move forward without much research. But, with this level of experience and understanding comes a level of forgetfulness. Not that we forget how to perform the analysis, but ...

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The Economic Waste Doctrine

Experts Beware… Financial experts that handle construction defects claims should be familiar with the doctrine of economic waste, the potential limitations on a damages claim, and recognize the potential of this doctrine arising in a damages engagement. The author shares how this doctrine may arise and what to look for before accepting a damages engagement. “Economic waste is the label that courts have adop ...

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Consequences of Appearing as a Witness

At a Deposition or Court Hearing To begin to understand the subject, we must point out that the “Reglas de Evidencia de Puerto Rico” (the Puerto Rico Rules of Evidence) and the Federal Rules of Evidence adopted in the district of Puerto Rico—which is part of the Second Circuit Court of Appeals—allow for expert testimony to be inserted into the "record" of a case in a deposition or in a court hearing, are ba ...

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Daubert Challenge

End of Life or Another Day at the Office? One of the most concerning communications for experts to receive from a hiring attorney is the opposing attorney has filed a Daubert motion to exclude their opinion. Going through a Daubert challenge is stressful for even experienced experts. This article will discuss the Daubert decision and its impact on experts. It will also address questions considered by courts ...

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The Role of the Financial Forensic Expert in Dispute Resolution

Changes in the Methods of Dispute Resolution In this article, Steven I. Platt, a retired Maryland Circuit Court judge, founder of The Platt Group, Inc., and QuickRead’s newest editorial board member, shares with readers the changes he sees affecting civil court proceedings, rise of alternative dispute resolutions, and opportunities that are becoming available to credentialed business valuation and financial ...

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Lost Profit Damages: Principles, Methods, and Applications

A Review of Everett P. Harry, III and Jeffrey H. Kinrich’s 2022 Second Edition In 2017, Everett P. Harry, III and Jeffrey H. Kinrich released Lost Profits Damages: Principles, Methods, and Applications. Their purpose in publishing the book was to provide a comprehensive reference guide to cover important topics relevant to determination of lost profit damages. This book review discusses the second edition r ...

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Case Study

Changing Assignments from Fairness Opinion to Business Valuation Commercial damages matters can be challenging and require a flexible mind when “wrapping your brain” around the issues and facts of a particular case. Beginning in the first quarter of 2019 and running through October 2020, I had an assignment which began with a simple fairness opinion letter and ended with my testifying at trial to defend my ...

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Data Reliability Issues

When is there a Duty to Corroborate Data? NACVA’s Standards Board (SDB) was formed in 2016 with the purpose to promulgate NACVA’s Standards, including the development of interpretations, amendments, restatements, and new releases of NACVA’s Standards as deemed necessary and prudent. While being able to influence the very rule governing one’s profession is an astute honor, the most rewarding role performed b ...

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Economic Damage Measurements

Lost Profits and Loss of Business Value—Differences and Correlation in Terms of the Harmful Impact to Plaintiff’s Claims When a plaintiff suffers, or believes to have suffered, economic damages as a result of a defendant’s actions in a civil matter he/she and their attorney are faced with determining the amount of economic damage suffered. A damages remedy is provided to restore the plaintiff to the same ec ...

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Case Study—Royalties and Lost Profits from Intellectual Property Infringement

Theory into Practice In our literature and at professional conferences, we often discuss the theoretical aspects of our work. For lost profits this includes discussions on the best method for valuing lost profits (before and after, yard stick, but for) or the optimal discount method (ex ante, ex post, or hybrid). Occasionally, these become academic debates with little impact on our “real life” work. This ye ...

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The Expert Witness Exchange: Car Rentals, $16 Million

and an Expert Witness While there are hundreds of Daubert decisions issued every week, only a few go a long way in shaping the way experts are screened by judges in the future. And even fewer times, a multimillion-dollar verdict is hinged solely on the expert witness testimony! In this article, the author discusses the district and appellate court decision in Alaska Rent-A-Car v. Avis Budget Group. ...

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Expert Witnesses

Are You Properly Insured? Expert witnesses face many of the same risks other businesses face; from first-party losses such as damage to property, to third-party losses from legal liability. While the nature of a business dictates specific insurance needs, most businesses carry a portfolio of insurance that includes property and business interruption, commercial general liability and excess liability, automo ...

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Unique Circumstances When Calculating Lost Profits

Reliability of Client’s Data This article discusses how experts can handle the unique situation of receiving unreliable data. Litigation and appraisal literature will be reviewed as will the author’s handling of unreliable data in a recent lost profits case. In the end, warning signs will be reviewed to alert the expert to potential problems with the projected data. ...

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Commercial Damages and Lost Profits

Case Study of a Real Estate Developer For most lost profits cases, the losses begin at the date of the harmful act and end when the injured party is returned to the position it would have had “but for” the alleged damaging act of the defendant. However, not every lost profit matter is a breach of contract where beginning and ending dates can be easily defined. Sometimes losses may not occur until a period i ...

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Book Review—Lost Profits Damages

Principles, Methods, and Applications Everett P. Harry, III and Jeffrey H. Kinrich assembled 45 authors, chosen for their expertise in lost profits damages, and contributed and co-edited this comprehensive lost profits damages “how to” book. The authors pay tribute to Robert L. Dunn, among others, for his vision in identifying the need for this book. The book marks an attempt by the authors to provide a sin ...

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