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Improve Your Meetings: The Attendee List

Getting rid of meetings is the false solution, since they are forums for organizational democracy, knowledge sharing, decision-making, and communication. Thus, recent business books and scientific studies have focused on improving meetings and increasing meeting ROI through evidence-based practices. To read the full article in Financial Management, click: Improve Your Meetings: The Attendee List. ...

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Confronting Behavior Bias

In Financial Projections (Part I of II) This is a two-part article that considers the review and assessment of prospective financial information. Specifically, this discussion describes the behavioral bias that may influence financial projections. This discussion should inform any party involved in compiling or assessing financial projections. This discussion is particularly relevant for fiduciaries who may ...

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RValuations is My Vision

What’s Yours? Valuation professionals are a conservative lot that resist change. The author of this article embarked in a change that has transformed him and his practice. Upon reflection, he shares the lesson he learned is that “feeling afraid is my next level of growth coming to get me”. In this article, he encourages readers to take a chance, change, and take control of their lives since life is too shor ...

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An Integrated Approach to Decision-Making

Companies Struggle to Make Good Decisions With Their Data Many large businesses worldwide are struggling to gain strategic insight from the massive amount of data they gather, according to research from CGMA.  Thirty-six percent of respondents say their organizations haven't been able to manage this deluge of data.  Samantha White, senior editor for CGMA Magazine, explores the fact that many companies are u ...

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