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The Difference Between Lost Wages and Lost Income Analyses

From a Forensic Accountant’s Viewpoint Forensic accountants are frequently retained to evaluate economic damages arising from a multitude of circumstances. These engagements require a set of specialized knowledge unique to the facts of the case. In many cases, a forensic accountant will be retained to evaluate lost income arising from a business interruption loss. This article compares a forensic accountant ...

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Using International Economic Time Series Data in Determining Lost Profits

Forensic engagements that involve determining lost profits or other economic damages often require a “time series” of economic and market data. When the lost profits or other economic damages engagement involves comparing international companies, multi-country economic data, and international market data, the challenges in locating meaningful data become especially difficult. In this article, the authors sh ...

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Economic Damages

in Not-for-Profit Entities There is an established body of knowledge that addresses economic damages in connection with for-profit organizations, but little about how these concepts apply to not-for-profit organizations. In this article, the author sets forth how those concepts apply to charitable organizations. “You will be much more in control, if you realize how much you are not in control.”―Benjamin Gra ...

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Attaining Reasonable Certainty

in Economic Damages Calculations (Part I of III) The AICPA has issued two practice aids, one on 2015 and most recently in November 2018, focused on the calculation of economic profits and damages. The purpose of this article—the first of three on this topic—is to provide the reader with an understanding of Chapter 1 (Revenue and Growth Rates) of the 2018 Practice Aid as well as certain other publications co ...

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Application of the Sales Projection Method

In Measuring Trustee Breach of Fiduciary Duty Damages (Part I of II) The prudent investment of trust assets can minimize the potential for trustee fiduciary litigation risk, in addition to maximizing the trust beneficiaries’ economic interest in the trust. However, trust beneficiaries may initiate a breach of fiduciary duty tort claim when they feel that the trustee has breached any investment management fi ...

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When Do Economic Damages Accrue?

The Case of the Delayed Real Estate Development In a situation where there is a claim of wrongdoing and one party suffers pecuniary damages, it is incumbent on the economic damages expert to precisely define the period of such claimed damages to properly quantify them. The outcome is largely dependent on the expert’s processes for determining damages, the components of the Expert Report, and the ability to ...

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Evidence of Actual Monetary Loss is Required

When Calculating the Exemplary Damages Cap In a recent Texas Court of Appeals case, the jury awarded plaintiff $15,000,000 in exemplary damages; the Court reduced this amount citing section 41.008(b)(1) of the Texas Civil Practice & Remedies Code, which caps exemplary damages at two times the amount of "economic damages," plus up to $750,000 in non-economic damages.  The question on appeal was whether t ...

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Demystifying Damages in Uncertain Cases

The Role of the Forensic Accountant There are a number of instances where damage estimates are uncertain and where a customer is lost. What should one do in these instances? Losses sometimes require reasonable estimates, as well as a reasonable forecasting of the market—both for the generation of revenues and for mitigation. In the case where there is greater perceived loss than a single contract, a forecas ...

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The Value of Using the Services of a Forensic Accountant in Legal Matters

Engage and Assist Legal Counsel It is critical that the right person with the right expertise, training, and background be selected. This article will describe the various areas of specialization in which a forensic accountant performs, how counsel should select the right professional for the job, and the benefits of using a forensic accountant. ...

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Mitigation of Damages

Professional Obligations for the Expert Witness Computing Damages What can a court reasonably expect of value experts? What are value experts able to contribute to the proceedings? What about mitigation of damages, i.e., how should value experts address mitigation and do so when the retaining counsel is disinterested in discussing mitigation of damages? In this article, Dr. Kreuter, a Marks Paneth, LLP part ...

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Mr. Unlucky—A Construction Worker Injured Twice On-site

Tell-tale Signs that the Engagement is Risky This article describes, using a purely hypothetical scenario, some of the considerations that an economic damages expert should be aware of during initial telephone calls with a prospective retaining counsel—in order for a lost earnings engagement to proceed effectively and efficiently—and to control engagement risk. ...

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An Overview of Methods for Estimating Lost Revenues in Economic Damages

Forecasting “But-For” Revenue for Lost Profits In this article, the author provides a brief discussion of each major approach considered in an economic damages engagement and then discusses circumstances in which multivariate analysis could provide the greatest benefit in formulating a comprehensive damage model. ...

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Discounting Economic Damages to Present Day Value

What discount rate should you use? Economic damages in litigation must be reduced to present day dollar values to avoid over-compensating the Plaintiff for harm caused by the defendant. This article explains present value theory in simple terms and addresses different methodologies used in reducing future economic damages to a present day dollar value. ...

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Experts and Alternative Dispute Resolution

Arbitration Panels Don’t Know Everything a Financial Expert Does. But That Doesn’t Mean You Should Even Consider Talking Down to Them. Arbitration is somewhat similar to a bench trial, but experts need to present opinions somewhat differently than if they were testifying in a jury trial—and this is particularly true with experts testifying on financial issues such as economic damages.  Joe Epps explains why ...

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The McLean Group: New Guidance on When to Use a Recent Round of Financing to Estimate Fair Value

Consider Three Types of Private Preferred Stock Transactions, Each with Varying Degrees of Relevance to an Indication of Fair Value: Simple, Strategic, and Tranched Preferred Financing Last year, the AICPA issued guidance on evaluating private transactions with regards to their relevance in estimating the Fair Value of other securities within an enterprise via the back-solve method. The McLean Valuation Ser ...

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Are We All Hired Guns? How and Why Financial Experts Differ

Why Experts Working from the Same Facts Generate Varying Opinions Financial experts can differ wildly in their opinions and findings because of differences in their underlying financial and economic assumptions, differing legal interpretations, differing theories on damages, and different access to information. Jim Gravitt explains. ...

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An Expert’s Deadly Disease—Bias

Understand the Critical Distinction Between a “Testifying Expert” and a “Consulting Expert.” Brad Eldridge and Rebekah Smith explain how the requirements for a “testifying expert” in litigation work vary considerably from those for a “consulting expert.” Learn more about this distinction and find out how consultants can develop a checklist of best practices for courtroom preparation. ...

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