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Falling Economic Confidence Now Affecting Hiring Decisions, Says Survey

More than a third (35 percent) of employers intending to hire temporary workers expressed concerns over the availability of agency workers with the required skills—with the construction sector expecting the largest crunch in this area—while almost half (47 percent) of employers said they were using agency staff to manage uncertainty. To read the full article in People Management, click: Falling Economic Con ...

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Economic Sectors Report Expansion in Beige Book Report

In their recently released Beige Book, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System break down the economic performance of the nation within seven business sectors across 12 metropolitan economic districts.  Prepared at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, the findings are based on all data collected on or before August 26, 2013.  Business sectors covered include consumer spending & touris ...

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Which States are Poised for Job Growth?

Which States are Poised for Job Growth?  As the U.S. jobs market digs its way out of the recession, gains aren’t expected to be evenly distributed. But some of the hardest-hit regions may also see some of the best growth, according to a new analysis, writes Phil Izzo at the Wall Street Journal Real Time Economics blog. Forecasting firm IHS Global Insight looked at which states will have the strongest rates ...

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