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Three Common Ratios I Do Not Like

Alternative Means to Effectively Gauge Business Operations and Assist Owners Three ratios that are widely used have validity because they are either used in business valuations, loan covenants, reports to stockholders in Form 10-Ks, used when financial statement analyses are performed, or have familiarity because they have become entrenched in the system. The author of this article considers reliance on the ...

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Could Missing Non-GAAP Adjustments Adversely Affect Your Concluded Value?

Why it Matters This article examines the major nonconformance issues the average valuator may face, where to find the information necessary to investigate, and how to make the adjustments to conform with GAAP. The adjustments discussed are not exhaustive but do cover the more common adjustments valuators should consider. While a valuation is not an audit, the valuation analyst must recognize material deviat ...

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Confronting Behavior Bias

In Financial Projections (Part II of II) This is a two-part article that considers the review and assessment of prospective financial information. Specifically, this discussion describes the behavioral bias that may influence financial projections. This discussion should inform any party involved in compiling or assessing financial projections. This discussion is particularly relevant for fiduciaries who ma ...

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The Z-Score Revisited

Uses of the Z-score in litigation and insolvency matters Dr. Edward Altman’s Z-score turned 45 years old this month. For the operations-focused valuation analyst, the Z-score is just as relevant today as it was when Dr. Altman introduced it in September 1968. The key to its enduring success is that it is based on fundamental financial ratios that represent value drivers, even in today’s changing market. ...

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