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Business Valuation

Of a Real Estate Centered Entity As business valuation analysts, how many of us have ever agreed to value an equity interest in a gas station, or a hotel, or some other business that operates with real estate as an operating asset? For me, that answer is “frequently.” Yet, over the years my view of how to undertake this type of assignment has changed. These types of businesses deserve more care and understa ...

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Appraising Real Estate Centered Business Enterprises

A Conceptual Framework to Consider Real Estate Centered Business Enterprises (RECEs) commonly sell as real property going concerns with elements of real estate, personal property and a business enterprise component. Business appraisers face several challenges with these assignments due to the interdependence of the business with the other assets. Another key challenge for business appraisers with these type ...

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Estate of Powell v. Commissioner, 148 T.C. No. 18 (May 18, 2017)—A Failed Deathbed FLP

and other Court Cases for Valuation and Litigation Support Professionals Valuation practitioners may want to spend a few hours reading a recent U.S. Tax Court case where the valuation of intangible assets was squarely addressed. This QuickRead article highlights the facts and three issues addressed in the decision. ...

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5 Things to Know About Chapter 11 Bankruptcy and Valuation

For management teams working through a bankruptcy, there are a number of valuation-related considerations.  Samantha L. Albert, senior financial analyst with Mercer Capital, explains five key concepts for management teams and their advisors to be familiar with when embarking upon a Chapter 11 reorganization. To read the full article in Mercer Capital's Financial Reporting Blog, click: 5 Things to Know About ...

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FASB: ‘Going Concern’ is Management’s Responsibility

  Executive managers of companies and not-for-profit organizations must make more uniform disclosures if there is significant doubt about a company’s ability survive, according to new standards released by the Financial Accounting Standards Board August 27, 2014. Under Accounting Standards Update No. 2014-15, Presentation of Financial Statements—Going Concern (Subtopic 205-40): Disclosure of Uncertaint ...

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PCAOB Targets Crony Disclosures

  The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) has beefed up its requirement for auditors to clarify the nature of relationships and transactions between related parties. The new standards were instituted by the PCAOB to counteract a number of factors that it felt were contributing to financial fraud. Ultimately, the intention is to help companies avoid financial failure and reduce harm to inv ...

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Structuring the Intangible Asset Analysis Assignment

The standard 10 stages to use in an intangible asset engagement In this second installment, Robert F. Reilly completes his review of the 10 typical stages of any intangible asset analysis engagement. For purposes of this article, an intangible asset analysis may include a valuation, damages analysis, transfer price study, or other economic analysis. The business appraiser will typically consider these stage ...

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Structuring the Intangible Asset Analysis Assignment

The standard 10 stages In this first half of his two-part series, Robert F. Reilly summarizes six of the ten typical stages of any intangible asset analysis assignment. For purposes of this article, an intangible asset analysis may include a valuation, damages analysis, transfer price study, or other economic analysis. The business appraiser will typically consider these stages, or elements, before, during, ...

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Case Law—State: Ohio Rules on Experts, and Delaware on Share Value

Cases in Ohio, Delaware Assess Acquisition Share Value, Family Business In Iacampo v. Oliver Iacampo, the Ohio Court of Appeals rules on the appropriate use of experts in valuing a family business, the nature of passive income, and financial help from the wife’s parents. In Delaware,  Gaerreald v. Just Care, Inc. turns on proper methods for determining share value, the value of an expert opinion, and defere ...

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Reasonably Certain Foreseeable Future Events and the Standard of Value

In Berquist v. Commissioner, Judge Swift Finds a Company’s Pending Liquidation is Relevant and Foreseeable. The Tax Court valued closely-held stock in an anesthesiology practice donated to a hospital for charitable contribution purposes at its liquidation value since the anesthesiology practice would no longer exist after the physician-stockholders were consolidated into a newly-formed umbrella physician ma ...

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Palmerino v. Palmerino & Giaimo v. Vitale

In Palmerino v. Palmerino, the Massachusetts Court of Appealsconsidered whether a trial court erred in valuing the husband’s grocery store. The trial court’s approach had not included discounts—and went further to state that the income approach is preferable for valuation.  Find out what the court decides!  In Giaimo v. Vitale, the Supreme Court of New York considers the dissolution of a company called EGA ...

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Keys to Effective Presentation: Graphical Illustration of Quantitative Data

How to graphically illustrate ratio analysis as a way to enhance and simplify summary findings. A key to providing clients with effective valuation reports—and persuading jurors as an expert witness—is the ability to provide quantitative analysis in a compelling visual fashion. Here, Greg Gadawski and Darrell Dorrell provide an example of how to graphically illustrate ratio analysis as a way to enhance and ...

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