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Valuing Lost Profits of a License Agreement

Avoiding Speculation The author of this article, Dr. Kreuter, recently testified in a jury trial in New York State Supreme Court. The case was heard in April 2023. In the case, Kela Tennis, Inc. (“Kela”) sued the City of Mt. Vernon (“Mt. Vernon” or “the City”). On behalf of Kela, Dr. Kreuter calculated the economic damages in connection with the City’s breach of contract with Kela. The City had wrongfully d ...

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Terminal Value

The Problem with Exit Multiples Most of an Income Approach-based valuation is frequently in the terminal value. Thus, an Income Approach-based valuation that relies on an exit multiple to arrive at a terminal value is essentially a Market Approach-based valuation in disguise. Many practitioners do not use an exit multiple to arrive at a terminal value for this reason. Nevertheless, numerous practitioners pr ...

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Case Law Update

Highlighting Recent Delaware Court Cases In this Case Law Update, three recent Delaware Court cases are reviewed. Two cases focus on whether the deal value is fair value and the third focuses on matters discovered following approval of a merger and who has standing to sue and what remedy, if any, is available to the disgruntled plaintiffs. The first two cases also delve into the role of experts, inputs that ...

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Kitces: Three Strategies for Managing Big Capital Gains

Many long-term investors have amassed substantial capital gains since the market bottomed out in March 2009.  While great-looking on paper, such gains have real tax implications for engaging in even routine investment adjustments. To read the full article in FinancialPlanning, click: Kitces: Three Strategies for Managing Big Capital Gains. ...

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Food for Thought: Restaurant Valuation

  According to a recent article in The Appraisal Journal, industry sales among the 616,098 restaurants in the U.S. totaled $425.6 billion in 2012. Chain restaurants make up nearly 45% of the industry population in the U.S., and at a growth rate of 2.2% are expected to overtake independent establishments by 2023. Between 2010 and 2012, 22,000 restaurants were sold for a total of almost $11 billion. The ...

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Case Law—State: Ohio Rules on Experts, and Delaware on Share Value

Cases in Ohio, Delaware Assess Acquisition Share Value, Family Business In Iacampo v. Oliver Iacampo, the Ohio Court of Appeals rules on the appropriate use of experts in valuing a family business, the nature of passive income, and financial help from the wife’s parents. In Delaware,  Gaerreald v. Just Care, Inc. turns on proper methods for determining share value, the value of an expert opinion, and defere ...

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