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Overview of Bankruptcy

Procedures and Bankruptcy Code Changes for CPAs and Consultants A business or individual facing financial distress can utilize three types of federal bankruptcies to attempt to resolve their financial difficulties. This article provides an overview of the differences and when each would be used. Keep in mind that bankruptcy is a legal proceeding and must be handled by an attorney. However, business and fina ...

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Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

Unsecured Creditors: Risk and Cramdown Rates (Part II of II) This is the second of a two-part article, read Part I here. In October 2017, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals handed down its decision on cramdown interest rates in the matter In re: MPM Silicones, LLC. This decision has already stirred a great deal of discussion regarding cramdown interest rates to be paid secured creditors in Chapter 11 bankr ...

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Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

Unsecured Creditors: Risk and Cramdown Rates (Part I of II) This is the first of a two-part article. In October 2017, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals handed down its decision on cramdown interest rates in the matter In re: MPM Silicones, LLC. This decision has already stirred a great deal of discussion regarding cramdown interest rates to be paid secured creditors in Chapter 11 bankruptcy matters. Numer ...

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Valuation Expertise is Necessary to Navigate Chapter 11

Once a petition for Chapter 11 is filed with the bankruptcy court, the company usually undertakes a strategic review of its operations, including opportunities to shed assets or even lines of businesses.  The Chapter 11 reorganization process concludes when the bankruptcy court confirms a reorganization plan which specifies a reorganization value and which reflects the agreed upon strategic direction and ca ...

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30 Ways to Structure a Transfer of a Business to a Successor

Ways 1 through 15 (Part I of II) This is the first of a two-part article, where Edward Mendlowitz shares fifteen of the thirty ways to structure a transfer of a business to a successor. Mendlowitz stresses that a succession plan is important and too often overlooked by business owner(s) involved in day-to-day operations. Capturing the value and having a strategy in place provides ongoing cash flow, a degree ...

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5 Things to Know About Chapter 11 Bankruptcy and Valuation

For management teams working through a bankruptcy, there are a number of valuation-related considerations.  Samantha L. Albert, senior financial analyst with Mercer Capital, explains five key concepts for management teams and their advisors to be familiar with when embarking upon a Chapter 11 reorganization. To read the full article in Mercer Capital's Financial Reporting Blog, click: 5 Things to Know About ...

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Recommended Change Not Needed for Chapter 11 Cramdown Rates

The Myth of Efficient Market Cramdown Rate In December 2014, the American Bankruptcy Institute issued its Final Report and Recommendations of the Commission to Study the Reform of Chapter 11. The Commission was comprised of 22 professionals. The group included attorneys, academics, financial advisers, and a former bankruptcy judge. After over two years of work, the Commission made more than 200 recommendati ...

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5 Things to Know About Chapter 11 Bankruptcy and Valuation

A Chapter 11 reorganization is a chaotic and challenging time for a distressed company says Samantha L. Albert, a senior financial analyst with Mercer Capital. There are many valuation-related considerations that management teams and financial advisers need to have knowledge of. This article discusses five key concepts to focus on when proceeding with a Chapter 11 reorganization. This article is republished ...

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Difficulty with Applying the Contract Rate Approach to Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

A Case Study, Part 2 of 2 In this second part of the article, Dr. Allyn Needham examines post-Till cases from the northern and western districts of Texas, highlights the problems encountered using the Formula Approach, and tests whether the Contract Approach may have provided a better approach and reduced the incidence of litigation where a cramdown is proposed. Ultimately, Dr. Needham proposes that despite ...

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Difficulty with Applying the Contract Rate Approach to Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

A Case Study, Part 1 of 2 In the Till decision, the U.S. Supreme Court selected the Formula Approach to provide a straightforward, familiar, and objective method for determining the cramdown interest rate to be paid on secured claims in Chapter 13 cases, minimizing the need for potentially costly additional evidentiary proceedings. Many bankruptcy courts have found this decision instructive and directive fo ...

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Three Common Roles for Financial Experts

In Chapter 11 Bankruptcies, Part 2 Financial experts may be called on to provide a number of services in Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases. Common among these services is the analysis of the interest rate to be paid on secured claims, the valuing of the bankrupt business or a portion of the bankrupt estate, and the creation or analysis of cash flow projections to assist in determining the feasibility of the reorg ...

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Three Common Roles for Financial Experts

In Chapter 11 Bankruptcies, Part 1 of 2 Financial experts may be called on to provide a number of services in Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases. Common among these services is the analysis of the interest rate to be paid on secured claims, the valuing of the bankrupt business or a portion of the bankrupt estate, and the creation or analysis of cash flow projections to assist in determining the feasibility of the ...

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Calculating the Preference Claim in a Chapter 7 Liquidation

Garner v. Knoll, Inc.—the mathematics of a hypothetical liquidation analysis A preference payment is subject to recovery by the debtor’s estate. Having to return a “preference payment” may come as a surprise. In this case, the issue before the court is whether a creditor received far more than what it would have received under a Chapter 7 liquidation. The case illustrates the mathematics used in conducting ...

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Reasonably Certain Foreseeable Future Events and the Standard of Value

In Berquist v. Commissioner, Judge Swift Finds a Company’s Pending Liquidation is Relevant and Foreseeable. The Tax Court valued closely-held stock in an anesthesiology practice donated to a hospital for charitable contribution purposes at its liquidation value since the anesthesiology practice would no longer exist after the physician-stockholders were consolidated into a newly-formed umbrella physician ma ...

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Palmerino v. Palmerino & Giaimo v. Vitale

In Palmerino v. Palmerino, the Massachusetts Court of Appealsconsidered whether a trial court erred in valuing the husband’s grocery store. The trial court’s approach had not included discounts—and went further to state that the income approach is preferable for valuation.  Find out what the court decides!  In Giaimo v. Vitale, the Supreme Court of New York considers the dissolution of a company called EGA ...

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