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64 Ways to Increase and Enhance

the Value of a Business Buyers look at earnings as a primary driver of value. There are many other factors such as strategic value, competitive position, branding, secret processes, and cost to duplicate. There are also many other factors, some not so evident or obvious, some intangible and some in the “good feelings” attitude about the business or its prospects. At the end of the day, it is sometimes hard ...

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It’s Not Just About China: Company Profits to Drop—Again

Earnings Season Likely to Confirm U.S. Profit Recession Major U.S. companies stand a good chance of reporting fourth-quarter results that show earnings have fallen two quarters in a row, marking a recession.  Forecasts call for a 4.2% decline in earnings and a 3.2% decrease in revenue for companies in the Standard & Poor's 500 index.  Bernard Condon, AP business writer, discusses the issues and what to ...

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