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Don’t Lose Your Marketing Muscle Memory

In this article, the author shares with readers that a number of practitioners expect a slow 2022; this is a departure from the current work frenzy. He shares his advice regarding what to do in anticipation of that fear. I have been talking to many of my colleagues lately—mainly, those who specialize in tax purpose valuations. Collectively, they have been, and they are up to their a$$es in alligators—result ...

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The Changing World of Business Development

Rethinking the Role of Your BD Team (Part II of II) In the November 2020 post, an alternative way to structure your firm’s BD efforts that relies less on a central “rainmaker,” and more on an integrated team. In this post, the focus is on how to execute the various activities involved in BD, such as hiring, outsourcing, or cross-training existing staff. For this exercise, do not get hung up on specific titl ...

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The Changing World of Business Development

Turning Traditional Business Development on Its Head (Part I of II) Business development (BD) used to be simple: do good work for existing clients, be active in your local community, and watch the referrals roll in. To be a successful rainmaker for a firm, all a professional needed was a little confidence, some networking skills, and perhaps the occasional educational presentation. But BD has changed, drive ...

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Valuing a Wealth Management Business

The Art and Science Most businesses have special characteristics that affect its value. Some are endemic to the industry and some relate to the personal nature of those managing the business. Wealth management businesses have both characteristics. Here are some considerations that go into determining the valuation. Most businesses have special characteristics that affect its value. Some are endemic to the i ...

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The Evolution of Compliance

As the regulatory landscape has evolved, compliance departments and the chief compliance officer (CCO) have become increasingly important, helping organizations to adapt. Many CCOs sit on boards and report directly to the chief executive. They are no longer on the outside looking in on business development; instead, they are a key cog in the machinations of the C-suite. To read the full article in Financier ...

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Use LinkedIn

To Market When You’re Busy Marketing requires a continuous effort and presence. In this article, the author shares a marketing alternative that appraisal practitioners should pursue when they are unable to network in person. ...

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Survey: Business Development Now Tops Forensic and Valuation Services Practitioners’ List of Concerns

Business development concerns outpacing technical issues A new survey by the AICPA reveals that priorities for forensic and valuation services (FVS) professionals have changed significantly in just the last three years. The report details what’s most important to them today and why it may not have as much to do with the economy as you think. ...

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Seth Godin: Why Small Businesses Fail—

On Marketing Mistakes Generally, Bad Marketing Messages in Particular, Social Networking, and More Geoffrey James at writes: "A few months ago, I traded emails with best-selling author Seth Godin on the subject of marketing inside small businesses. The more I read over the interview, the more I realize that his advice is priceless."  Here's an excerpt of the interview.  Read the whole piece for the ...

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Small Firms Say LinkedIn Works, Twitter Doesn’t —Wall Street Journal Plus: YouTube Starts Charging

Six Out of 10 Small-Business Owners Buy Business Benefits of Social Media; 41% Prefer LinkedIn; Only 3% Vouch for Twitter  Not that that stopped Twitter from getting a $9B valuation this last week.   Emily Maltby and Shira Ovide report that the Wall Street Journal and Vistage International recently surveyed 835 small business owners.  Here are the results. ...

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A Business Plan Needs an Exit Plan from the Very Start

There are Lots of Exit Options Owners Can Plan for, but Putting Together a Plan is Essential Business owners need to plan the sort of exit they hope for early on and treat exit options explicitly as part of their initial business plan. Whether owners are looking to sell outright, be acquired by another company, go public, choose simply to liquidate, or let the business run dry matters. Here’s why. ...

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When Clients Don’t Buy What a CPA Firm is Selling

Charles Green has posted an interesting thought-piece over at the Trusted Advisor site: When clients don’t buy what a CPA firm is selling, it’s unlikely that they don’t want what you’re selling. More likely it’s that they’re not buying how the service is being sold. For example, a potential client is talking with several accounting firms about a significant assignment. One firm has expertise in that area an ...

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Cut Down on Email, Increase Your Biz Dev

Cut Down on Email, Increase Your Biz Dev So advise Bret Owens and Dan Markovitz at AccountingToday: Too many CPAs begin the day reading through their email inbox. No doubt, reputations depend on near instantaneous client service. But let's face it—if the only value you're providing for your client is rapid response, you'll eventually be replaced by someone in Mumbai, Shenzhen or some other time zone who can ...

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