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Getting R.E.A.L. in Later-Stage, Venture-Backed Companies

A Process to “Right” the Company Often later-stage, venture-backed companies (“late-stage start-ups”) seek advice as they find themselves languishing in the neverland between being heavy on intellectual property (IP) assets and light on commercial products or services. Typically, we are contacted by an investor or board member who has become fatigued by management’s assertions that ultimate success is ‘just ...

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Licenses of Intellectual Property

The New Revenue Recognition Standard and Accounting for Licenses Wiley author, Joanne Flood, looks at how the new revenue standard affects reporting of licensing revenue. Copyright Wiley, 2016. To be published in February 2017 in the book: Wiley Revenue Recognition plus Website: Understanding and Implementing the New Standard (Wiley Regulatory Reporting). ...

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Creating the Bridge Between Transfer Pricing and the Valuation of Intangibles

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have continued growing since 2008’s financial crisis.  Through the first three months of 2016, the value of worldwide M&A totaled nearly $750 billion.  Cross-border M&A activity totaled $308 billion—accounting for a quarterly record-high 41% share of global M&A value.  As in previous years, M&A in industries with hefty intangible assets—such as pharmaceutic ...

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Consider Market Approach Intellectual Property Valuation Methods

IP Valuation—Beyond the Income and Cost Approach Valuation analysts (“analysts”) are often asked to value debtor company intellectual property (IP) within a business bankruptcy context. Some of the bankruptcy reasons to value IP include the assessment of the following: the debtor’s solvency, a secured creditor’s collateral and protection, the fairness of a Section 363 IP asset sale or license, the debtor’s ...

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