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Discount Rates for Lost Profits

A Question of Facts and Varying Rates “How could an expert apply such a high or low discount rate to a stream of future lost profits and the court find it acceptable?” This article highlights my research looking into discount rates for lost profits and why there are so many variations of a theme when it comes to making such a calculation. When attending professional conferences, I enjoy talking with other e ...

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The Panduit Test

Guidance Provided by Godinger Silver Art Ltd. The Panduit test is a widely used four factor test that is applied primarily in patent cases but also intellectual property cases. The test factors can be found in Panduit Corp v Stahlin Bros. Fibre Works, Inc. This article will focus primarily on the 2024 Godinger Silver Art Ltd. decision. The language of that decision has been used to explain the court’s under ...

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Looking Back to Go Forward

A Review of the Basics for Lost Profits (Part VI) The first five installments of this series have been a review of the basics for calculating lost profits. In the series, lost profits was defined, the common methods used for calculating lost profits (yardstick, before and after, sales projections, market) were discussed, the court standards for assessing lost profits (foreseeability, proximate cause, reason ...

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Looking Back to Go Forward

A Review of the Basics for Lost Profits (Part V) This is the fifth article in a series reviewing the basics for lost profits. When calculating lost profits, some assignments will show results with future lost profits. The future lost profits must be discounted to a present value. This article will review issues relating to discounting future lost profits to their present value. The topics discussed will be ...

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Looking Back to Go Forward

A Review of the Basics for Lost Profits (Part IV) This is the fourth article in a series reviewing the basics for lost profits. Important in any assignment for calculating lost profits is understanding standards set by the courts. The three standards that courts use in assessing lost profit calculations are foreseeability, proximate cause, and reasonable certainty. In this segment, these court standards for ...

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Looking Back to Go Forward

A Review of the Basics for Lost Profits (Part III) This is the third installment of this series. The first part provided an overall introduction to this review of the basics for lost profits. The second part reviewed the similarities and differences between estimating lost profits and litigious based business valuations. This installment takes a deeper look into the methods for calculating lost profits. Fou ...

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Looking Back to Go Forward

A Review of the Basics for Lost Profits (Part II) In this second part of our series reviewing the basics for lost profits, we will contrast the differences between valuing a lost business and calculating an ongoing business’s lost profits. Because many experts calculating lost profits also provide business valuations, both in and out of litigation, it is good to be reminded of the similarities and differenc ...

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Looking Back to Go Forward

A Review of the Basics for Lost Profits (Part I) Those who have worked in the forensic field for many years begin to take for granted how we approach and handle certain situations. We have a level of knowledge and experience that lets us move forward without much research. But, with this level of experience and understanding comes a level of forgetfulness. Not that we forget how to perform the analysis, but ...

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Lost Profits

Revisiting the Energy Capital Corp. v United States Case Causation It is important for the research and literature in our field to advance. Books, articles, and presentations help us improve and perfect the work we provide to the courts. It is also important that we review the history of our field to remind us “why we do things the way we do.” When reviewing the Energy Capital Corp. v United States case, fi ...

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Lost Profits and COVID-19

A Unique Take on Causation Experts are becoming aware of how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected lost profit analyses that include 2020 and 2021. The pandemic and the slow recovery have created separate causations which may or may not become the proximate cause of a damaged business’ loss. For this reason, the effects of COVID-19 must be considered as an alternative causation to lost profits. The lockdowns a ...

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Lost Profits

Questions from the NACVA Conference Regarding Discounting Lost Earnings for Self-Employed Individuals In June 2021, the author of this article made a virtual presentation at the NACVA and the CTI’s Business Valuation & Financial Litigation Hybrid & Virtual Super Conference. The presentation was “Estimating Economic Loss of the Self-Employed: Lost Profits or Lost Earning Capacity”. One of the attende ...

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Assessing Lost Profits

After the COVID-19 Pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic put a strain on the U.S. and global economies as well as individual lives throughout the world. As much as most people would like to put 2020 behind us, experts will have to continue to review financial returns from 2020 in the historical data for businesses claiming to have been injured by wrongful acts in 2021 and the future. As much as an expert would lik ...

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Lost Profits

Moving Forward During COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic has brought difficulties and major lifestyle changes for most of us. This is particularly true for the business world. Some firms have been negatively impacted. Some businesses have benefitted from the change in our lifestyles. Because causation is an important consideration in commercial damages cases, experts assigned to estimate lost profits must consi ...

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Using International Economic Time Series Data in Determining Lost Profits

Forensic engagements that involve determining lost profits or other economic damages often require a “time series” of economic and market data. When the lost profits or other economic damages engagement involves comparing international companies, multi-country economic data, and international market data, the challenges in locating meaningful data become especially difficult. In this article, the authors sh ...

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Economic Damage Measurements

Lost Profits and Loss of Business Value—Differences and Correlation in Terms of the Harmful Impact to Plaintiff’s Claims When a plaintiff suffers, or believes to have suffered, economic damages as a result of a defendant’s actions in a civil matter he/she and their attorney are faced with determining the amount of economic damage suffered. A damages remedy is provided to restore the plaintiff to the same ec ...

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Lost Profits and Discount Rates

What Do the Courts Want? Finding the methodology for determining the appropriate discount rate in a lost profits case can be a convoluted journey. The numerator (the lost profits) may be adjusted through modeling. The denominator (the discount rate) may be a risk-free rate, a rate of return on investments, or the rate of return commensurate with generating the lost profits had no wrongful act occurred. And, ...

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Case Study—Royalties and Lost Profits from Intellectual Property Infringement

Theory into Practice In our literature and at professional conferences, we often discuss the theoretical aspects of our work. For lost profits this includes discussions on the best method for valuing lost profits (before and after, yard stick, but for) or the optimal discount method (ex ante, ex post, or hybrid). Occasionally, these become academic debates with little impact on our “real life” work. This ye ...

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Contractor’s Lost Profits Due to Impaired Surety Bonding Capacity

Denny Construction, Inc. v. City and County of Denver, Colorado, acting by and through its Board of Water Commissioners This article presents a case analysis wherein a general contractor sued for breach of contract and litigated the owner for breach of co bid due to its impaired bonding capacity, which resulted from defendant’s declaration of default and claim against the contractor’s performance bond. This ...

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Lost Profits

Modern New Business Rule and How it Has Been Applied by the Courts Earlier this year, the author published two articles that appeared in QuickRead discussing calculating lost profits and defense responses for lost profits calculations in cases falling under the modern new business rule. The foundation for the article on defense strategies was an article published by Victor Goldberg. Following publication, t ...

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Attaining Reasonable Certainty

in Economic Damages Calculations (Part I of III) The AICPA has issued two practice aids, one on 2015 and most recently in November 2018, focused on the calculation of economic profits and damages. The purpose of this article—the first of three on this topic—is to provide the reader with an understanding of Chapter 1 (Revenue and Growth Rates) of the 2018 Practice Aid as well as certain other publications co ...

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