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Unimpeachable Scope

A Synopsis of Valuation Brief 1 “Understanding the Differences: Conclusion of Value vs. Value Calculations” Valuation Brief 1, “Understanding the Differences: Conclusion of Value vs. Value Calculations” attempts to unpack the differences between that which is a conclusion of value and that which is not. In this 14th article of the unimpeachable neutrality series, the author provides a synopsis of the key ta ...

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Unimpeachable Neutrality Redefined

New Year, Neutrality It is incumbent upon those who attempt to become or remain as “thought leaders” to sometimes put some thought into what is written. This said, this 13th article of the Unimpeachable Neutrality Series will cover some of the basics of what exactly “unimpeachable neutrality” is and how it is just as valuable and necessary in 2023. I received a phone call from a distressed member the other ...

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Unimpeachable Mechanisms of Compliance—Sustainable Standard Setting in the Wake of the Woke

Conclusory Conclusions and Opinionated Opinions Tests of Time While there is usually more than one reason that something bad occurs, it is often standard setters or practitioners that are rightfully or wrongfully accused of actions or inactions that may or do have a detrimental impact on an industry, case, business, or even members of a protected class. This twelfth article of the unimpeachable neutrality s ...

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My Unimpeachably Abductive Inference

Conclusory Conclusions and Opinionated Opinions Tests of Time The current valuation environment tends to be more about supporting the conclusion of value based upon the chosen approach and methodology with consideration of all three approach to business valuation far too often involving little more than the analyst placing a wet finger in the air and saying “ah yes, a discounted cash flow.” This eleventh ar ...

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The War Against Certification

and Credentialing Organizations The author in this article discusses cases where members of credentialing organizations sue the organization for injunctive relief and monetary damages. He discusses the role of the arbitrator and causes that appear to prompt members to pursue redress through the court once sanctioned. Introduction As I mentioned in my first article for QuickRead, my experience as an Arbitrat ...

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Alternative Ways of Pricing Valuations

And Valuation Consultations Business valuation reports are somewhat of a competitive product. We may not feel that way because of all the effort we put into them, but many clients do not understand the value to them and look at the valuation as a “mechanical” process. Additionally, there are many other valuation preparers that provide valuations at fees substantially below what a valuation professional migh ...

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The Role of the Financial Forensic Expert in Dispute Resolution

Changes in the Methods of Dispute Resolution In this article, Steven I. Platt, a retired Maryland Circuit Court judge, founder of The Platt Group, Inc., and QuickRead’s newest editorial board member, shares with readers the changes he sees affecting civil court proceedings, rise of alternative dispute resolutions, and opportunities that are becoming available to credentialed business valuation and financial ...

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Unimpeachably Unauthoritative Authority

Citation Omitted What makes the world of expert witness services so daunting at times is the fact that so much goes unsaid, untaught, or undefined. For example, the most recent international glossary used by valuation and appraisal professionals across the globe does not define what a conclusion or opinion is. Since saying the silent part out loud seems to be the popular thing to do, this tenth article of t ...

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Could Missing Non-GAAP Adjustments Adversely Affect Your Concluded Value?

Why it Matters This article examines the major nonconformance issues the average valuator may face, where to find the information necessary to investigate, and how to make the adjustments to conform with GAAP. The adjustments discussed are not exhaustive but do cover the more common adjustments valuators should consider. While a valuation is not an audit, the valuation analyst must recognize material deviat ...

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The Unimpeachable Rebuttal

Pearls Clutched and Loaded Have you ever read an opposing expert’s rebuttal of your expert report that left you clutching your pearls the rest of the day? With over 2,000 cases under my belt, I have had some true works of fiction written about me and still can be found clutching my proverbial pearls from time to time. This ninth article of the Unimpeachable Neutrality series discusses how to quell the no go ...

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An Unimpeachable Treatise

Apropos Restrictions of Data, Time, and Financial Resources When uncertainty rises to a level—where facts appear to be indistinguishable from fiction—business valuation, forensic accounting, and litigation support must prioritize the virtues of unimpeachable neutrality, integrity, and objectivity. These three virtues provide a means of best assisting the trier of fact in distinguishing that which is mislead ...

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NACVA Standards Board

Litigation and Non-Litigation FAQ Interpretations Initiative Business valuation/appraisal standards are promulgated by different business appraisal organizations. The NACVA’s Standards Board was formed to continually review the organizations standards and to ensure that the NACVA’s Professional Standards remain up to date, relevant, and relatively consistent with the standards of the other professional orga ...

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Impact of COVID-19 to Global Business Valuation and Appraisal

On April 8, 2020, the American Society of Appraisers (ASA), CBV Institute, Global Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (GACVA), National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA), and The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) collaborated to host a free virtual town hall to discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic will impact business valuation analysts and appraisal titled “Impa ...

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Rebuttal: Another Point of View Regarding the Role of the Valuation Analyst

In the Formation of an ESOP Mr. Robert Reilly, in a two-part January 2020 QuickRead article, as published by NACVA, provides a detailed and learned discussion regarding the role a valuation analyst might play in the early stages of the formation of an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). This paper is not intended to be, in any way, a critique of Mr. Reilly’s presentation, but rather an appendix highlighti ...

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Comments: A Follow-up Response to Michael McKean on ESOP Valuations

Robert Reilly Shares His Thoughts on Impressions Should a valuation analyst accept an ESOP valuation engagement? That is the question raised by Michael McKean in his article written in response to the recent QuickRead article series by Robert Reilly. In this article, Mr. Reilly shares his thoughts on the subject matter. I am old enough to remember the early television show, The Original Amateur Hour. I star ...

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Do You Carry a Portfolio

Of Your Work? What can a BVFLS professional do to stand out amongst his or her peers? In this article, Rod Burkert shares his thoughts. How do BVFLS professionals like us to demonstrate our analytical skill? How do we exhibit our problem-solving acumen? How do we showcase our report writing talent? I have an idea…turns out it is somewhat controversial…but read on and let me know what you think. All creative ...

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An Unimpeachably Neutral Message from the Standards Board Chair

A Neutral Approach to Unimpeachable Standards C. Zachary Meyers, CPA. CVA, the author of this article, is NACVA’s Standards Board (SDB) Chair. The SDB was formed in 2016. The SDB’s purpose is to promulgate NACVA’s Standards, including the development of interpretations, amendments, restatements, and new releases of NACVA’s Standards as deemed necessary and prudent. While being able to influence the very rul ...

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The Intersection of Advocacy and Financial Forensics

The Role of the Expert in 21st Century Dispute Resolution—A Recovering Judge’s Perspective As technology evolves, the role of the expert and the interplay between experts and the judiciary will evolve. This change is already underway. In this article, QuickRead presents the presentation made by Retired Judge Platt at the NACVA and the CTI’s Annual Consultants’ Conference, held in Salt Lake City. Judge Platt ...

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The Pink Elephant in the Courtroom

Un-Impeaching Opinions of Calculated Values Valuation or calculation? That is the question asked, answered, and argued by judges, experts, lawyers, and industry thought leaders apropos to whether a calculation of value can be used in litigation. The answer echoed throughout courtrooms across America thus far is a resounding “it depends.” This article offers a synopsis of the debate over calculation engageme ...

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The Unimpeachable Standard—One Voice Cannot Harmonize with Itself

Business Valuation Comparison Charts A quartet of present and former Standards Board chairs for the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA) were on hand to harmonize about valuation standards during the 2018 NACVA and the CTI’s Annual Consultants' Conference at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. During NACVA’s Industry Standards and Ethics Update, and the Around the Valuation Worl ...

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