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Unlike most financial litigation training that tends to be general in scope, the Foundations of Financial Forensics Workshop, offered by the Consultants’ Training Instituteprovides attendees with an understanding of the professional responsibilities and legal underpinnings necessary to providing credible financial forensics services along with an overview of the highest growth areas of financial forensics practice.  The nationally recognized and seasoned financial forensic experts who teach the program also dive into the methodologies and approaches for calculating damages, financial investigative and forensic accounting techniques, skills development for communicating with judges, attorneys, and juries, and practice building strategies that are being employed by successful and emerging financial forensic analysts.

There are Critical Precursors to AI, Including Verified Financial Intelligence

Part Two in a Series Addressing Advances in Forensic Accounting and Financial Forensics The author of this series of articles is co-founder of Valid8 Financial Forensics Software, a Seattle, WA and Boulder, CO-based professional service provider. This second article, and those in the forthcoming series, set forth techniques used to investigate financial fraud allegations and the reliance and value of artifi ...

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The Latest Greatest Internet Scheme

Currency Investment Scams Step aside e-mail compromises and romance scams. Make way for the crypto investment scam, the newest in an ever-changing sea of schemes and scams available on the World Wide Web to minimize your life savings in as little as a few weeks. This article is a refresher for traditional indicators beyond the “too good to be true” mantra and will detail the slight modifications occurring w ...

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Emerging Cryptocurrency Valuation Litigation

A Primer for Business Valuation, Forensic, and Litigation Support Professionals This is the first article in a series related to the cryptocurrency valuation and litigation. This is an emerging area of practice. In this first article, the author explains what is a blockchain and the purposes blockchains serve. Cryptocurrency litigation in the past decade has appeared in various dispute types: Matrimonial di ...

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Financial Forensic Investigations

The Layered Approach There is a maxim in forensic accounting that investigations take twice as long as anticipated, yet the final report appears to have taken half the time. This article provides an overview of the forensic methodology to balance client expectations with the appropriate level of service. Each progressive layer allows for the milestones reached to be evaluated before expanding the scope. Thi ...

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What is Verified Financial Intelligence and Why is it the New Litmus Test?

Part I in a Series Addressing Advances in Forensic Accounting and Financial Forensics The author of this series of articles is co-founder of Valid8 Financial Forensics Software, a Seattle, WA and Boulder, CO-based professional service provider. These articles set forth techniques used to investigate financial fraud allegations and focus on the flow of funds. As 2023 comes into clearer view, it is evident th ...

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Cyber Security and Business Interruption

Foundations for Prevention and Mitigation This article focuses on the professional expertise, processes, and technologies that are needed to mitigate the ever-increasing risk of cyber-attacks and potential business interruptions on companies, organizations, and individuals. The modern security ecosystem is diverse and ever-changing, a place where cyber risk is top of mind for leaders at all levels, and thre ...

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Financial Statement Fraud

Taking Another Look at Perpetrators and Their Schemes—Can a Testifying Expert Witness Rely on the Financial Statements and/or Other Financial Reports Provided? For more than a decade, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) has published its report on global occupational fraud. The term occupational fraud refers to frauds that are committed by individuals against the organizations that employ th ...

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Crypto After the Crash

Strategies for Resolving Litigation Disputes The cryptocurrency market is down approximately 57 percent for the year as of the time of this writing. For many, this news may bring a feeling of JOMO (Joy of Missing Out). For practitioners involved with crypto-litigation, however, it just further complicates a complex subject matter. This article explores the considerations and strategies to help resolve these ...

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The Role of Forensic Accountants in Measuring and Detecting Fraud in Employee Loss Claims

With Examples From Asset Misappropriation to Financial Statement Fraud (Part II of II) This two-part article (Read Part I here) focuses on the two significant, but different, roles forensic accountants play in quantifying employee losses and how—in the normal course of the analysis—they may find instances of fraud that require further investigation. The authors first provide detailed guidance for forensic a ...

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The Role of Forensic Accountants in Measuring and Detecting Fraud in Employee Loss Claims

With Examples From Asset Misappropriation to Financial Statement Fraud (Part I of II) This two-part article focuses on the two significant, but different, roles forensic accountants play in quantifying employee losses and how—in the normal course of the analysis—they may find instances of fraud that require further investigation. The authors first provide detailed guidance for forensic accountants in how to ...

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Crypto Investing, NFT Trading, and Online Sports Betting

Behavioral Underpinnings of Greed In this article, the authors discuss the unprecedented growth of cryptocurrency and the accompanying risks and fraud. They ask, Why does a person choose the characteristics of cryptocurrency to be not only a secure medium of exchange, but also one with upward price potential? The recent price drop in the spring of 2022 shows the magnitude of loss of value Bitcoin has suffer ...

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The Role of Forensic Accountants

in Detecting Fraud in Business Interruption Claims (Part II of II) Business interruption claims are generally closely scrutinized by insurance carriers and can range from thousands of dollars, to claims exceeding $100 million. Insurance carriers often seek the assistance of either internal or external forensic accountants to analyze such claims. During their analysis, forensic accountants often detect the p ...

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The Role of Forensic Accountants

in Detecting Fraud in Business Interruption Claims (Part I of II) Business interruption claims are generally closely scrutinized by insurance carriers and can range from thousands of dollars to claims exceeding $100 million. Insurance carriers often seek the assistance of either internal or external forensic accountants to analyze such claims. During their analysis, forensic accountants often detect the pos ...

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Decrypting Coinbase Accounts

A Guide for Forensic Analysts As cryptocurrencies become more mainstream, it is vital for forensic analysts to understand and analyze digital currency data. Forensic analysts are increasingly being brought in to trace and help recover crypto assets in criminal matters, such as money laundering and other fraud prosecutions. There is also a noticeable increase in the use of forensic analysts in civil litigati ...

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Rationalization and Concealment

Signs of Ethical Deterioration The 21st century has brought not only the worst pandemic in over 100 years, but also an alarming deterioration in ethical culture. We see examples of this in the types of fraud being perpetrated, as well as in the behavior of elected officials, athletes, business owners, and wealthy parents of students. Where is this trend headed, and can it be reversed? In this article, the a ...

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What Forensic Accountants Should Consider When Analyzing a Business Interruption Insurance Claim

Following a Ransomware Attack As businesses continue to rely on computers and digital storage of important data, cyberattacks are a growing potential threat to these organizations—especially now, as businesses have transitioned their workforces to work remotely. There are many types of cyber threats, and the pandemic has driven a surge in ransomware attacks. Ransomware is malware specifically designed to di ...

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Food v. Fraud

Fraud Issues in the Hospitality Industry Post-COVID-19 Pandemic The hospitality industry is already experiencing an increase in fraud, and everyone associated with the business—including operators, owners, managers, employees, and even guests—is at risk of being affected. In this article, the author identifies areas of fraud and provides recommendations to mitigate risk.  As a self-proclaimed foodie, I am e ...

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New Advisories on Ransomware Payments

The Dark Web Criminals Both the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) have issued recent advisories concerning ransomware payments. This article provides an overview of those advisories. Both the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) have ...

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Technology and the Birth of Digital Forensics

The Evolution of Digital Forensics and Growth of the Industry The rapid growth of technology has resulted in the computer age, which has given rise to cybercrimes. Savvy criminals today use devices such as tablets, computers, smartphones, and cloud storage in the planning and commission of cybercrimes, whether to wreak havoc in the system of an organization or in the commission of a crime of self-enrichment ...

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What is Cryptocurrency?

How Does it Work? Everyone seems to be talking about cryptocurrency these days, but many are unsure how to define it and fewer still, know exactly how it works. Cryptocurrency is a digital construct without physical substance; the only evidence of its existence is the digital record or ledger indicating balances held (like a balance sheet) and transactions that have occurred (like an income statement). What ...

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