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Looking Back to Go Forward

A Review of the Basics for Lost Profits (Part VI) The first five installments of this series have been a review of the basics for calculating lost profits. In the series, lost profits was defined, the common methods used for calculating lost profits (yardstick, before and after, sales projections, market) were discussed, the court standards for assessing lost profits (foreseeability, proximate cause, reason ...

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Finding Hidden Assets

Where to Start? In forensic accounting, whether litigation is contemplated or not, the key to the most reliable conclusion is starting with accurate and complete information. Under the best of circumstances, the primary source of this information is your client. On the other hand, when the person or entity you are requesting from is an adversary, there is little incentive for cooperation. Regardless of the ...

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Case Study—Royalties and Lost Profits from Intellectual Property Infringement

Theory into Practice In our literature and at professional conferences, we often discuss the theoretical aspects of our work. For lost profits this includes discussions on the best method for valuing lost profits (before and after, yard stick, but for) or the optimal discount method (ex ante, ex post, or hybrid). Occasionally, these become academic debates with little impact on our “real life” work. This ye ...

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Ownership, Specificity, and Brevity

(OSB) The OSB technique is indispensable to establish veracity when hearing or reading questions and answers, such as deposition transcripts, expert report content and even daily conversation. You can (and should) use the OSB mnemonic in most of your public and private communications, including if you provide expert witness testimony. And, once you begin applying the technique you will find it indispensable ...

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Impeaching the Unimpeachable

My Testimonial Experience Prior to Taking the Witness Stand One unintended consequence of writing unimpeachably neutral expert reports is that often nobody wants to hear what you have left to say. After having spent nearly two years working as an expert witness, authoring an uncounted number of expert reports, subpoenas, discovery requests, deposition questions, and cross-examination questions, I had yet to ...

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Managing Professional Liability Litigation Against Accounting Firms

Part II of III This is Part II of a three-part series discussing the basic components of a professional liability lawsuit brought against an accounting firm and its partners and the factors a firm’s managing partner should take into consideration before and during this type of litigation for utilizing applicable insurance coverage, maximizing effectiveness of defense and, where possible, bringing the contro ...

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A Tale of Two Depositions

Maintaining Professionalism Under Pressure and Under Oath Different legal professionals can use vastly different deposition techniques. John R. Markel shares two starkly different experiences with depositions, and details how to prepare yourself for the standard questions as well as how to cope with curveballs. ...

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What a Matrimonial Attorney Needs From a Financial Expert

How to Maintain Independence and Professionalism in a Complex and Changing Niche As divorce laws change, attorneys increasingly rely on financial experts such as business appraisers and forensic accountants.  In this article, Robert D. Feder discusses the role of a financial analyst in the context of matrimonial law.  He also covers some of the potential pitfalls of the trade. ...

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Case Law: States Opt for Accredited Appraisers, Limit Expert Testimony, Consider Contracts

In Nebraska, Judge Considers: Should Damages be Limited to the Length of a Non-Compete Clause? The Supreme Court of North Dakota prefers the testimony of an accredited appraiser, a Tennessee court asks an expert witness to stick to the topic rather than allowing him to recommend an alternative legal remedy, and a Nebraska court considers whether damages should be limited to those incurred during the period ...

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