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Expert Testimonies in The Trade Group, Inc. v. BTC Media, LL

Challenges and Key Takeaways The recent case of The Trade Group, Inc. v. BTC Media, LLC highlights the impact that experts have on judicial outcomes. The litigation revolved around a financial dispute over the Bitcoin 2022 conference and allegations regarding overcharges and financial mismanagement. Through expert testimonies, the Court ultimately provided an opinion based on the crucial contributions of ex ...

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Upcoming Changes to Federal Rules for Experts

Admissibility of Expert Witness Testimony and Reliability of Methodology On April 24, 2023, the Supreme Court of the United States approved two amendments to Rule 702. The language of these amendments was modified slightly from the language of the proposed amendments approved by federal judiciary’s Advisory Committee on Evidence Rules. This article discusses the amendments and how the changes will impact th ...

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Providing Expert Testimony in Business Valuation

What to Watch For and What to Watch Out For Expert testimony is not for the faint of heart. The best expert is that person who gathers trial experience well before the first testimony experience and in that time has not only developed the technical skills—meaning mastered and acknowledged the methodologies—but has also attended depositions, jury trials, and bench trials. The practitioner will also understan ...

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Ensuring Plausibility Under Daubert—Anything’s Possible

“Dr. Expert, here is our theory for the case. Can you tell me if it’s possible?” Anyone see anything wrong with this? Can the lawyer be the one to come up with the theory for the case? Should lawyers run their theory by their experts? Annie Dike explains that whether or not their theory will pass muster under Daubert will depend not on its possibility but, rather, its plausibility. To read the full article ...

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Case Law Update: Real Estate Appraisal and Government Contracts

A closer look at real estate appraisal and government contracts A wife sells her portion of interest in a law firm in an arm’s length transaction and the timing and circumstances are questioned with regard to marital property. Adhering to cost accounting standards within government contracts and real estate valuation issues are reviewed in the latest Case Law Update. ...

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State Case Law: Iowa Focuses on Equalization Payments, Louisiana Considers Future Cash Flow

Recent Cases Consider: Fair Market Value in Arkansas, Equalization Payments and Healthcare Credits in Iowa, and Valuations Based on Future Cash Flow in Louisiana Judge Wiggins in Iowa rules In re Marriage of McDermott on equalization payments and tax credits for health insurance payments.  In Louisiana, Judge Williams finds a valuation in Fancher v. Prudhomme invalid since it was based on assumed cash flow— ...

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Tax Court Considers Renovation Value of $10M Home; Bankruptcy Court and Expert Testimony

A Petitioner Relies Reasonably on His CPA in Gaggero v. Commissioner, the Tax Court Finds. That Makes a Difference: Here’s Why. In Gaggero v. Commissioner, Judge Holmes at the U.S. Tax Court disagrees with the IRS’s contention that the plaintiff conducted an improper scheme to avoid capital gains.  In First Street Holdings NV, LLC v. MS Mission Holdings, LLC, Judge Markell at the U.S. Bankruptcy Court finds ...

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Experts and Alternative Dispute Resolution

Arbitration Panels Don’t Know Everything a Financial Expert Does. But That Doesn’t Mean You Should Even Consider Talking Down to Them. Arbitration is somewhat similar to a bench trial, but experts need to present opinions somewhat differently than if they were testifying in a jury trial—and this is particularly true with experts testifying on financial issues such as economic damages.  Joe Epps explains why ...

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Navigating Litigation Reporting Standards

There’s a Maze of Standards Out There. Here’s a Guide to Key Provisions in The Most Important Ones *AUTHORS NOTE* This article was written in May 2010.  In December 2010, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, section 26(a)2(b) were updated such that drafts and attorney communications are now specifically recognized as work product and not discoverable.  The exception to this is correspondence as it relates ...

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What a Matrimonial Attorney Needs From a Financial Expert

How to Maintain Independence and Professionalism in a Complex and Changing Niche As divorce laws change, attorneys increasingly rely on financial experts such as business appraisers and forensic accountants.  In this article, Robert D. Feder discusses the role of a financial analyst in the context of matrimonial law.  He also covers some of the potential pitfalls of the trade. ...

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Case Law: States Opt for Accredited Appraisers, Limit Expert Testimony, Consider Contracts

In Nebraska, Judge Considers: Should Damages be Limited to the Length of a Non-Compete Clause? The Supreme Court of North Dakota prefers the testimony of an accredited appraiser, a Tennessee court asks an expert witness to stick to the topic rather than allowing him to recommend an alternative legal remedy, and a Nebraska court considers whether damages should be limited to those incurred during the period ...

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Factors to Consider When Hiring an Expert

The Best Experts Increase Odds of Winning by Devising Strategy, Guiding Discovery, and Enhancing the Quality of Daubert Challenges Donald M. May at Claims Journal explains how the best expert witnesses increase odds of winning by devising strategy, guiding discovery, and enhancing the quality of Daubert challenges.  Here are the sort of queries—about specific topical expertise, testimony record, exclusion h ...

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Tax Court Rules: A Business Claims Value of $12M; The IRS Argues for $36M

Estate of Natale B. Giustina v. Commissioner What happens when a case lands in the United States Tax Court where Form 706 found the fair market value of a business share at $12.6 million and the IRS estimates it’s worth $36 million? Find out, in Estate of Natale B. Giustina v. Commissioner! At issue was a 41 percent share in a closely held timber company. Meanwhile, in the Delaware Chancery Court, In re Ans ...

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