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Is BIPA Liability Lurking on that Company’s Balance Sheet?

An Additional Consideration for Business Valuation and Forensic Accountants When Valuing a Company The Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA), 740 Ill. Comp. Stat. 14/1 et seq., is not just for Google and Facebook. While the technology giants have been sued for allegedly violating BIPA, so too have countless other companies. In the last few years, plaintiffs have sued hundreds, if not thousands, of compan ...

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10 Social Networking Tactics I Would Use to Build My BVFLS Practice

If I Were Starting Today Business valuation and financial litigation services (BVFLS) practitioners—since the COVID-19 disruption—have embraced the use of social media. Yet, some BVFLS practitioners remain on the sidelines. In this article, Rod Burkert shares 10 social networking tactics he would use today to build his BVFLS practice. One thing I have seen since COVID-19 began is the uptick in social media ...

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74% of Users Don’t Know Facebook Records Their Ad Preferences

Facebook has been in the news quite a bit for its ad targeting over the past year, most notably with reports that the now-defunct Cambridge Analytica used improperly obtained data to develop “personality” profiles on U.S. voters and target ads toward them during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. But many users are still unaware what information Facebook actually collects for ad targeting purposes. To rea ...

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Are You a Modern-Day Digital Sharecropper?

Or, Why Aren’t You Hosting Your Own Content? (Part I of III) Many of us create content for, and market on, social media platforms—like LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. The questions are: Is this a dangerous practice? And if so, what should we be doing instead? Many of us create content for, and market on, social media platforms, like: LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. The questions are: Is ...

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How to Achieve Social Media Success in 15 Minutes or Less

Social media does not have to be time-consuming.  Increase the effectiveness of your firm's social media outreach by connecting with the right people, posting different content on different social networks, and using an appropriate profile image. To read the full article in InvestmentNews, click: How to Achieve Social Media Success in 15 Minutes or Less. ...

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Compensating for Something: Facebook’s GAAP Change

It seems like it was just last year when we mused if non-GAAP earnings measurements were becoming a permanent fixture of the market.  How quickly the times change.  Samantha Albert, senior financial analyst with Mercer Capital, explains. To read the full article in Mercer Capital's Financial Reporting Blog, click: Compensating for Something: Facebook’s GAAP Change. This article is republished from Mercer Ca ...

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4 Ways Accountants Can Get More Out of Social Media

Social media presents risks and opportunities.  Demonstrating expertise and reaching new clients are among the ways social medial can be valuable for finance professionals.  Sean Stein Smith, assistant professor at Rutgers, discusses how you can utilize this tool to your benefit. To read the full article in the Journal of Accountancy, click: 4 Ways Accountants Can Get More Out of Social Media. ...

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Social Media: Be Careful What You “Like”

When you "like" a company or group on Facebook, you may unwittingly be surrendering certain legal rights.  J. Carlton Collins, Journal of Accountancy's contributing editor, discusses some of the pitfalls and what could potentially happen. To find out more on Journal of Accountancy's article, click: Social Media: Be Careful What You “Like”. ...

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How Social Media Impacts Business Development

Not all Social Networks Are Created Equal Has your firm embraced social media? Be ready! The days of ignoring social media are long gone. Professional services firms looking to accelerate their growth need to embrace social media and dedicate the resources needed to create a strategy, implement it, and track it. In this article, the author presents research on the impact and value of social media to profess ...

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E-mail 40 Times More Effective Than Social Media

In an enlightening article by McKinsey & Company, a compelling case is put forward for something you always felt was true, but couldn’t quite prove.  When it comes to marketing professional services or products, good old-fashioned email is much more effective than social media.  How much more effective is it?  The report states that email is so significant in generating new business that it’s 40 times m ...

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A Federal Appeals Court is Scheduled to Hear Arguments Today Over When Software is Patentable —Wall Street Journal, Seeking Alpha

"It's a Huge Case for the Patent-Law Community." On One Side: Google, Facebook, Intuit.  On the Other? IBM. "Because the patents are often unclear, there's no way to know whether an infringement claim by a competitor or a troll is legitimate until you've spent $8 million in litigation fees," said Mr. Schruers Ashby Jones in the Wall Street Journal  reports this morning that a federal appeals court in Washin ...

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3 Silicon Valley Trends That Will Reshape the Financial Services Industry —Forbes

Increased Transparency, More Automation, and More Access to Capital   Rod Ebrahimi, a columnist for the Entrepreneurs section of Forbes, writes that "Thousands of miles away from Wall Street, some David-sized companies in Silicon Valley are cultivating new trends that will change people’s relationship with money." ...

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Small Firms Say LinkedIn Works, Twitter Doesn’t —Wall Street Journal Plus: YouTube Starts Charging

Six Out of 10 Small-Business Owners Buy Business Benefits of Social Media; 41% Prefer LinkedIn; Only 3% Vouch for Twitter  Not that that stopped Twitter from getting a $9B valuation this last week.   Emily Maltby and Shira Ovide report that the Wall Street Journal and Vistage International recently surveyed 835 small business owners.  Here are the results. ...

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SEC Ramps Up—New Enforcement Tools Include Cluster Analysis, Fuzzy Matching. Plus—Open Channels to DOJ, FBI.

"With New Firepower, S.E.C. Tracks Bigger Game,"  Ben Protess and Azam Ahmed  report at the New York Times Dealbook. Embarrassed after missing the warning signs of the financial crisis and the Ponzi scheme of Bernard L. Madoff, the agency’s enforcement division has adopted several new — if somewhat unconventional — strategies to restore its credibility. The S.E.C. is taking its cue from criminal authorities ...

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‘If Facebook’s Profit Model Stays the Same, This Valuation Doesn’t Make Any Sense’ –Espen Roback, Pluris, in The Atlantic

The most highly anticipated IPO in history didn't put on much of a show. Facebook closed today within decimal points of its opening price of $38. Even so, the company's market cap is higher than McDonald's or Pepsico. Espen Robak is the president of Pluris Valuation Advisors, where he studies and values private companies trading on the secondary market. Derek Thompson at The Atlantic talked to him this morn ...

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Connect with NACVA Members via Social Media

LinkedIn Features Booming CVA/AVA Activity Have you visited LinkedIn lately?  The NACVA AVA/CVA Certification group as of this writing has 935 members.  Follow the link and join in the conversation! This year is NACVA's 20th Anniversary.  What milestones do you remember being a part of?   QuickRead's Conversations with the Masters staff is preparing for an interview with Shannon Pratt.  Do you have question ...

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