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That Lands New Clients We have a large body of knowledge that teaches us how to do the work, but few resources that teach us how to get the work. And even as we acquire the technical skills that enable us to perform better valuations, we need to position ourselves with buyers of our valuation services so that we can land new clients and apply those skills. How (and where) do we learn that? In this article, ...

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Unimpeachably Neutral Expert Testimony

How to Tell the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth The often-unspoken truth is that many deposition or cross-examination questions that expert witnesses in the field of forensic accounting, business valuation, or matrimonial litigation will be asked are written to make the truth sound like a lie and a lie sound like the gospel. This second article of the Unimpeachable Neutrality series offers proactive t ...

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Using the Option Pricing Method Changes the Standard of Value

Does the IRS or Anyone Care? (Part II of II) Part one of this article presented the “current method” and “option pricing method” (OPM) for allocating value to common stock for 409a valuations, and how these two methods differ in pricing of common stock. Part two examines the implied changes made by OPM and how it affects stakeholders. The article begins with a brief review of the key impacts on the valuatio ...

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Using the Option Pricing Method Changes the Standard of Value

Does the IRS or Anyone Care? (Part I of II) In part one of this two-part article, the author presents the two methods for allocating value to common stock for 409a valuations, and then show how they affect the pricing of common stock. By way of background, to meet FMV, the standard of value requires measuring value under the representation of a hypothetical willing buyer and a hypothetical willing seller, b ...

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If it was Easy, We’d all be Rich

Market sentiment seems to oscillate between a preference for growth and a desire for profitability now.  Travis Harms, Mercer Capital’s Financial Reporting Valuation Group lead, discusses the challenges of managing and investing in early-stage companies. To read the full article in Mercer Capital's Financial Reporting Blog, click: If it was Easy, We’d all be Rich. This article is republished from Mercer Cap ...

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Corporate Taxes, Other Pro-Growth Policies, and Business Value—A Brave New World?

The inauguration of a new POTUS is now behind us.  Time, then, to add to the cacophony of pop-prognostications.  This blog post will make broad observations regarding potential changes to select corporate tax and other pro-growth economic policies in hopes of teasing out inferences for inputs to a basic valuation framework. To read the full article in Mercer Capital's Financial Reporting Blog, click: Corpor ...

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Portfolio Valuation and Regulatory Scrutiny

Over the past decade, we have been retained by several investment funds to assist them in responding to formal and informal SEC investigations regarding fair value measurement of portfolio investments.  Reflecting back on those engagements yields a couple observations and reminders for funds and fund managers as they go through the quarterly valuation process.  Travis Harms, Mercer Capital’s Financial Repor ...

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Bernie Madoff Fraud Fallout

A Valuation Perspective In this article, three U.S. Tax Court cases are discussed. Each case stems from the fallout which occurred after the discovery of the Madoff Ponzi scheme amounted to more than just lost investments for each of the investors. The end-effect is much more far-reaching and complex, as many investors have been forced to pay hefty legal bills in a battle to reduce their estate tax liabilit ...

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The 76ers Will Make the 2015-16 Playoffs

Could that Opinion Survive a Daubert Challenge? (Part III of III) This is the third and final article of the series. Part I provided background for this thought exercise and identified the size of the hole the 76ers had to climb out of to make the playoffs. Part II addressed the path an expert might take to arrive at his or her opinion. This part addresses the implications of the thought exercise on valuati ...

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Creating the Bridge Between Transfer Pricing and the Valuation of Intangibles

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have continued growing since 2008’s financial crisis.  Through the first three months of 2016, the value of worldwide M&A totaled nearly $750 billion.  Cross-border M&A activity totaled $308 billion—accounting for a quarterly record-high 41% share of global M&A value.  As in previous years, M&A in industries with hefty intangible assets—such as pharmaceutic ...

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Pending Revenue Proposals Could Impact Estate Planning Strategies

FLPs Remain a Viable Intra-Family Transfer Option, But Act Now The Internal Revenue Service has floated the idea of making regulatory changes to the implementation of section 2704, in this article the author gives us an update on the subject and underscores the need to facilitate intra-family transfers of businesses. ...

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Dual Fairness Opinions and the Role of the Valuation Firm

Fairness opinions are issued by a financial advisor at the request of a board that is contemplating a significant corporate event.  Jeff K. Davis, CFA, managing director of Mercer Capital’s Financial Institutions Group, delivered a presentation on November 30, 2015 at the IV OIV International Business Valuation Conference in Milan, Italy by addresses the topic of dual fairness opinions and the role of the v ...

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Fleming Cardiovascular, P.A. v. Commissioner

Qualified Business Appraiser and Appraisal Needed A November 2015 memorandum by the U.S. Tax Court in Fleming Cardiovascular, P.A. v. Commissioner found that the Internal Revenue Services ("IRS") did not abuse its discretion in revoking the Fleming Cardiovascular, P.A. Employee Stock Ownership Plan's ("ESOP") qualified and tax exempt status for failure to operate in accordance with plan documents. Of note, ...

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Discounts on Family Limited Partnership

The IRS is Challenging the Appropriateness of Discounts when Preparing a Valuation The current regulations, Revenue-Ruling 93-12, allow for discounts when valuing a Family Limited Partnership (FLP). The proposal is expected to potentially limit the allowed discount and consequently raise the taxable portion of the trust or estate structures. This article reviews the current requirements for FLPs, their hist ...

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“R” You Ready

R Programming and Ivy League Classes—For Free There are a host of excellent statistical and optimization software packages available to valuation analysts and litigation support consultants. They are good, but also expensive. “R” is a programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics. The R language is widely used among statisticians and data miners for developing statisti ...

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Common Misconceptions Regarding Healthcare Entity Valuations

Five Remaining Leading Misconceptions (Part II of II) The following discussion summarizes and responds to common misconceptions many analysts have with regard to the valuation of healthcare entity property and/or services transfers. These analyst misconceptions typically involve a misunderstanding of one or more of the relevant regulatory provisions. These analyst misconceptions typically relate to an erron ...

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Common Misconceptions Regarding Healthcare Entity Valuations

Five of the 10 Leading Misconceptions (Part I of II) The following discussion summarizes and responds to common misconceptions that many analysts have with regard to the valuation of healthcare entity property and/or services transfers. These analyst misconceptions typically involve a misunderstanding of one or more of the relevant regulatory provisions. These analyst misconceptions typically relate to an e ...

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